Jelousy Pt.2 - Stiles Imagine

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It's been four days since you last saw Stiles. Since he kissed you, Since he told you he love Malia, Since he shattered your heart into a million pieces. The last four days have been terrible. You haven't left your room, you haven't been able to eat or sleep, all you could do was sit there and think about one person. Stiles.

You were an honour student, you had straight A's and a perfect attendance record. It wasn't likely for you to miss one day of school, never mind four days, and you weren't surprised when you phone started blowing up with texts from your worried friends. Of course you replied telling them that you were alright, you just had the flu and should be better soon, but you replies were very short. you felt as if you were starting to disappear. After the first few days those worried text messages stopped. Even though your replies were short you still liked the feeling that there are people out there who care about you. When they stopped you started to feel as if they suddenly stopped caring. It hurt, you really needed your friends. Whenever were upset or needed someone to cheer you up you would call Stiles.

The weekend had just passed and Monday came around faster than you could imagine. You were done sitting in your room, you needed to go back to school, you needed to get your grades back up. Even though there was still an empty feeling inside you, you decided that it was time to go back to school. You threw on some comfy clothes grabbed your books and made your way to the school. As you got to the school you notice stiles jeep in the parking lot.

"Great." You whisper under your breath. You walked through the front doors and before you could make it any further Mason and Liam came right up beside you.

"Hey Y/N, it's good to see you here. You feeling any better." Liam asked concern laced on his face.

"A bit, so anyway, what did I miss." You say trying to avoid the subject.

"Not much, but on Friday Stiles and Malia got into a huge fight in the hallway, the whole school pretty much heard them." Mason explains.

"Really? What were they fighting about?" You ask curiously.

"No one knows, and I haven't seen either of them since." Liam says just as the bell rings.

"Anyway see you at lunch Y/N!" Liam and Mason say scurrying off to their class. You slowly make your way towards class. It was your only class with Stiles. You didn't really want to see him but you wanted to know what happened between him and Malia. You got to class and took a seat near the back. You take out your books and get ready for class to begin. You were halfway through your work when a ball of crumpled paper landed on you desk. You slowly uncrumple and smooth the paper out. It's a note, from Stiles.

Y/N, I really need to talk to you. Meet me out side on the lacrosse field at lunch ~ Stiles

You look up to see Stiles looking at you. You fold the paper up and stuff it in your pocket just as the bell rings. You spend the rest of your morning debating as to wether or not you were going to meet Stiles. Eventually you decide to give it a try. Lunch comes around faster than you could imagine. Before you knew it you were slowly making your way towards the lacrosse field. When you got there you saw Stiles standing there looking like he was in deep thought. As you slowly approached Stiles he started to snap out of his thoughts.

"Y/N! You came, I was starting to think you weren't going to come."

"What do you want Stiles." You snap.

"Look, I'm sorry about last week. I kissed you and I panicked. I guess was scared. I didn't really know what love felt like until I met you. Your kind and caring and your beautiful. I think I'm in love with you Y/N."

"Stiles I think I'm in love with you too. But what about Malia?" You ask.

"Last week I over heard Malia talking about you to Theo. She was saying some pretty awful things. So I told her to back off."

"You did that for me?"

"Of course. I'd do anything for you. So Y/F/N will you be my girlfriend?" Stiles asked with hopeful eyes.

"I would love to be your Girlfriend." You say as Stiles leans in and kisses you passionately.


Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in a really long time, and I'm so sorry. Good news is my exams are over and I should be posting more often! I'm sorry that this chapter kinda sucked. Feel free to comment, vote and request. Thank you guys so much for reading.
Love y'all!
- xoxox H💋

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