My Brothers Best Friend ~ Stiles Imagine

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Requested by emily_warren

You were Scott's younger sister by two years. You and Scott were relatively close. Like most siblings you had your arguments but you both loved each other. He was always there when you needed him, and no matter what you did he always had your back. In return you were always there for him. Whenever he needed advice about girls, friendships, or the supernatural he knew he could go to you.

You were sitting in your bedroom working on your homework when you heard Scott enter your room. You watched as he immediately went directly to your wallet which was sitting there n your dresser and took out just around thirty dollars.

"Scott? What the hell are you doing?" You asked annoyed.

"I need money."

"Couldn't you just ask mom?"

"She's at work..."

"Couldn't you just ask Stiles? I'm sure he's around here somewhere." You say knowing that if Scott's here so is Stiles.

"He's downstairs, and he's just as broke as I am"

"Well, you could at least tell me what you need the money for before you go and take it?"

"Pizza." Scott said quietly.


"Yeah, the pizza guy is downstairs... Waiting for me to return with the money."

"Alright fine, but I get 50% of the pizza!" You say excitedly.

"Y/N, that's half the pizza."

"I can do math you know! You take half my money, I take half your pizza."

"Fine! Just... Come on." Scott says as you follow him down the stairs. You notice a very impatient pizza man being poorly entertained by a hyperactive Stiles.

"Ugh, Scott finally... it took you long enough, what happened to just a few seconds?" Stiles asked as Scott finished paying the Pizza man.

"She did!" Scott said pointing in your direction.

"Oh, hey Y/N! I didn't notice you there. N-not that you're unnoticeable. I mean your very noticeable... in a friendly way, not a creepy way. I'm gonna stop talking now."

"Hey Stiles!" You say chuckling at his awkwardness.

"Scott give me my half of the pizza." You say impatiently.

"Alright..." Scott says putting their half of the pizza on a plate and handing you the box.

"Thanks. I'll be upstairs if you need me."

~~~ Scott & Stiles Pov ~~~

"Dude, what was all that about?" Scott asked stiles as he sat on the couch.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asked all the sudden more interested in his pizza then anything.

"Oh you know. ' Y/N your so noticeable but in a friendly way.' Scott said imitating Stiles.

"I do not sound like that!"

"Yes... yes you do. Why though?"

"I-I don't know?" Stiles says.

"You like her, don't you! That's why you get so flustered. You have a crush on Y/N."

"Shhh. Keep your voice down." Stiles says embarrassed.

"How long?"

"I don't-"

"Stiles, how long?" Scott interrupted.

"Three years... maybe?"

"Three years!?! You've been crushing on my sister for three years and you never mentioned it?"


"You should of told me. I could of set you up years ago!" Scott excitedly rambles.

"Wait what?"

"You know how cool that would be!"

"Wait, you're okay with this?" Stiles asked still sounding nervous.

"Of course, Stiles you're my best friend. I know you better than anyone. You would never do anything to intentionally hurt her, and plus I totally ship it!!!!"

"So you'll help me?" Stiles asked.

"Of course. Wait here!" Scott said getting up and making his way up to your room.

~~~ Your Pov ~~~

You just finished eating your pizza when Scott burst into your room grinning like and idiot.

"Hey Scott. What's got you in such a great mood?" You asked suspicious as to why he was so happy.

"Y/N do you remember two years ago, you caught Stiles and Lydia making out in Stiles jeep, you were so upset you wouldn't come out of your room for three days? Why was that?"

"Scott. What are you up too?"

"Just answer the question Y/N. why were you so upset?" Scott pressed.

"Honestly, I don't know? What does this have to do with anything?"

"Y/N? Do you have feelings for Stiles?"

"I... Maybe" you say as Scott gives you a knowing look.

"Y/N, you should talk to him. He really likes you."

"You'd really be okay with me dating your best friend?" You ask hopeful Scott will say yes.

"Of course." He says bringing you into o big bear hug.

"Now go talk to him!" He says pushing you out of your room. You slowly make your way downstairs to see Stiles sitting nervously on the couch.

"Stiles?" You say as he turns around to look at you.

"I'm guessing you just talked to Scott?" Stiles asked upon seeing you.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say that I feel the same way... I have for a while." You admit.

"R-really?" Stiles asked as you nod.

"Y/N? Do you maybe want to go out sometime?"

"I'd love to." You say hugging Stiles.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I will be updating a bit more over the next few weeks. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading, and please feel free to vote, comment and request.
Love you guy ❤

- Xoxox H💋

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