Cofusion - Brett imagine

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For @fandomonium123
Sorry it took so long.

You were sitting in class doing your homework and thinking about the one person you normally think about. Brett Talbot. Sure Brett wasn't the best person and liked to make your life a living hell, but you believe that there's at least a little good in him. That and the fact that no matter how hard you tried to hate him you never could. You were studying the periodic table when someone put a note on your desk. You hesitantly open up the note and read it.

I'm sorry for the way I've been towards you lately, it's because I really like you. Let me make it up to you. Meet me at the ice cream parlour across the road after school.

You look at the note not sure if it's a joke or not. "What if Brett really likes me." The rest of the day you constantly debated on weather or not you were going to the parlour after school. You finally came to a conclusion that Brett might actually have feelings for you so you decided to go. When you got to the ice cream parlour you noticed Brett wasn't there yet. You took a seat at a booth and pulled out your homework. A few minutes later you heard the door chime you look up to see Brett and two of his friends.

"Told you she would show up." Brett snickered.

"And look the loser brought her homework." One of Brett's friends say causing them all to laugh. You walk up to the group feeling a little hurt, you actually thought he liked you.

"So you don't like me." You ask quietly causing Brett and his friends to laugh even more.

"Of course not why would I like an ugly disgusting loser like you." Brett laughs. You immediately feel a lump in your throat a few tears roll down your cheeks as you push past Brett and his friends and take off into the woods. You run until you could no longer stand, you found a spot behind a tree sat down and cried. "Maybe Brett is right, maybe I am just a loser." You thought. You hear a branch snap and turn around to see Brett standing there with a guilty looking expression on his face.

"Um...... Y/N can I sit." Brett asks and you nod your head.

"Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said back there."

"Why Brett, why do you hate me so much." You ask as more tears fall down your face.

"I don't hate you Y/N, quite opposite actually."

"What do you mean." You ask.

"I love you Y/N. I think your smart,funny and beautiful and I never meant to make you cry." Brett says as he wipes away your tears.

" you really like me." You ask

"No." Brett says as he pulls you into a kiss.

"I love you."

I hope you like it @fandomonium123 . Feel free to comment request and vote. Requests might take a while because I'm going to be working on some pereferances and some other imagines that I wrote but if you do request they should be up by the second week of August or earlier just depends. @bubly_ I'm sorry that it's taken so long for me to publish your request but it should be up tomorrow. thank you for reading you guys are the best.
-xoxoxo H

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