Oh Brothers - Stiles imagine

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For spiffy_musiclover
Sorry it took so long

You were in Beacon Hills with you pack. You didn't want to come at first but your pack dragged you here, well more like your brothers dragged you here. You loved your brothers but let's be honest the where complete assholes sometimes, well I guess those are the perks of having Aiden and Ethan for brothers. Well at least a few good things came out of coming to Beacon Hills like Stiles Stilinski. You met him on your first day at Beacon Hills High School, and you guys have been dating ever since. You were going on your two month anniversary date tonight, and stiles made reservations at your favourite fancy restaurant.

You decide to were a short blues ruffled dress along with your silver heels. You curled your hair and did you makeup, luckily you finished getting ready right on time. You hear an knock on the door you open it to revile a happy looking stiles holding a bouquet of roses.

"Wow Y/N you look beautiful." Stiles says handing you the roses.

"Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself." Stiles chuckles and takes your hand.

"Shall we go." He asks.

"We shall." You reply.

You guys get to the restaurant. The waiter sat you guys at a quiet table. You ordered the spaghetti and stiles ordered the steak and potatoes. You and stiles were having your usual debate over batman vs captain America, when his phone went off.

"You can get that you know." You say as stiles try's to ignore it.

"Okay I'll just be one second." Stiles says getting up to take the call. About thirty seconds later your phone starts to ring, it's your brothers.


"Y/N we need you to get to the old factory fast." Says Ethan in a hurry.

" I can't Ethan I'm on a date."

"I know but there's been an attack on the the pack."

"Okay fine, I'm on my way." You say slightly annoyed at your brothers and the pack that attacked them. Stiles came back with a disappointed look on his face.

"Y/N something came up I need to go." Stiles says sadly.

"That's okay my family just called, family emergency. I have to go as well."

"Oh okay I'll drop you off at your house and we can reschedule the date for next week. Stiles  s says leading you out of the restaurant. Stiles dropped you off at home gave you a quick goodbye and drove off. You ran inside and quickly got changed into something easier to fight in and started heading to the place your brothers told you to go. When you got there you saw lots of fighting between the two packs but what got you mad was the fact that you saw the alpha of their pack attacking Aiden. You charge at the alpha pulling him off Aiden and clawing him in the face. You fought him until Ethan grabbed your arm and started pulling you out of the place knowing you never back away from a fight and doesn't want to see you get killed. While you were being pulled out of the building you look back to see the other pack looking happy because the won the fight, but that's not all you see. You see a distraught stiles looking at you. You are going to have a lot of explaining to do.

You walk into school nervously not knowing what to tell stiles, you thoughts were interrupted by someone pulling you into an empty classroom. Sure enough it was stiles.

"Y/N when were you going to tell me your a werewolf." Stiles asks as you remain quiet.

"Or that Aiden and Ethan are you brothers."

"Stiles I....." You tried to speak but stiles cut you off.

"Were you using me this whole time."

"No stiles of course not I would never."

"Yeah right, your just like you brothers. We're over Y/N." Stiles says walking out the door leaving you alone to cry. After that you just went home and spent the day watching sappy movies, crying and eating ice cream. When you brothers got home you can explained what happened so they tried to comfort you the best they could. At about 8:00 you decided to get some rest. You were getting ready for bed when you heard a knock on the window. You open it and sure enough stiles was sitting on your roof now soaking wet from the rain storm. You noticed that his eyes were puffy from crying and decide to let him in so he could dry off a bit, but he immediately pulled you into a hug.

"Y/N I'm so sorry, your nothing like your brothers your smart and beautiful and kind. I need you Y/N. I love you." Stiles says tears falling down his cheeks.

" I love you to you say." As he pulls you into a kiss.
I'm so sorry that it took so long I'm just finishing up on the other requests so they should be up soon. Thank you for reading I hope you like spiffy_musiclover . Feel free to comment request and vote. thanks guys!
- xoxoxo H

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