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It was another normal day for Jungkook, waking up alone in his cold bed in the slight darkness of his small bedroom.

the small window barely letting in the sidewalk lights in orange hues. The man groaned as he stretched, his skin itching for a relaxing soak.

a young handsome archeologist; teaching was never his passion, but he needed it to make a basic living, and it has to be something he's at least passionate about..history.

He was really a simple looking guy, but for his students, he was a walking god. dangerously and simply handsome. His lean muscles were not overly visible under his basic shirt, which was slightly open because of the scorching heat. and for their hungry eyes to feast on the scene.

The classroom was so noisy when he got in that he had to raise his voice to be heard. The students were buzzing with excitement, eager to learn from their esteemed professor.

As he made his way to the front of the room, he couldn't help but notice the admiring glances and whispers that followed him. It was a routine he had grown accustomed to over the years, but it still brought a sense of satisfaction.

He knew that his knowledge and expertise commanded respect, and he took pride in being able to captivate his audience. With a charismatic smile, he began his lecture, effortlessly weaving together stories of ancient civilizations and lost treasures.

His passion for archaeology was infectious, thats why soon enough, the room fell silent as the students hung on his every word.

pretty much the case of all of us, in every hot teacher's class. you want to listen, you suddenly want to impress, maybe get noticed.

They were transported to distant lands and eras long gone, their imaginations ignited by his vivid descriptions. The classroom became a sanctuary of knowledge and exploration, where minds were opened and dreams were born. And as the final bell rang, signaling the end of another enlightening session,

Jungkook heaved a long sigh; his love and passion for civilizations were beyond description, and it showed in the way he would casually describe every idea with words like 'awesome isn't it' or a random 'so cool'

When he was young, he always dreamed of visiting Egypt to further investigate its mysteries, which had hypnotized him since a very young age...

The pyramids, the tombs, the hieroglyphics-they all held a magnetic pull on his curious mind. As he grew older, his fascination only deepened, and he dedicated countless hours to studying ancient Egyptian history and culture.

His room, was adorned with books and artifacts, each telling a story of a forgotten time. But it wasn't just Egypt that captivated him; he yearned to explore the ruins of Rome, walk through the streets of ancient Athens, and unravel the secrets of Machu Picchu.

His thirst for knowledge knew no bounds, and he vowed to one day embark on a grand adventure across the globe.

With each passing day, Jungkook's determination grew stronger, fueled by the stories of past civilizations that had shaped our world. He knew that there was so much more to discover beyond the confines of his classroom walls, and he was determined to chase after those dreams with unwavering passion.

And so, as he closed his eyes that evening to sleep, his heart thumped for something he couldn't quite pinpoint, like he was yearning for something.

like something huge was about flip his life upside down. and it was a strong guy feeling that had him sit up on his round bed multiple times.

His confused eyes fell on his computer, just beside pictures and maps of ancient Egypt. So he walked the distance. His eager movements never slowed as he adjusted his chair and started searching on the university website until he found it.

a one year old post of a research traveling program, and out of all places, it was Egypt. He was excited and scared. What would be waiting for him there? He has always dreamed of being there, and now, only now, he has considered the thought without any hesitation.

He couldn't figute out the whys, because there was a certain unexplainable pull he was feeling whenever his eyes fell on a poster on his wall.

a big poster of emhotep, one of the most known pharaohs of the nineteenth Dynasty. He would think he was crazy for feeling a slight connection with the person in the picture.

The thing is, it didn't feel good. It wasn't a good connection. and it terrified him.

He shakes his head, thinking he was getting kind of obsessed with getting such unexplainable feelings.

He couldn't shake off the uneasiness that accompanied this inexplicable connection. It seemed as though the poster held some hidden secret or dark power that was affecting him deeply. The more he tried to ignore it, the stronger the pull became, leaving him both intrigued and fearful of what it might mean.

little did he know, that a big twist was about to change the course of his life forever.

because not only will he go to Egypt, but the ancient Egyptian time itself.

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