𓁀⁶. who are you?

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TOMB OF AMENHOTEP - September 9th

Jungkook's eyes widen as he spots a beautifully adorned coffin in the corner of the room. inside, there was a golden sarcophagus. one he hasn't seen before.

and he was sure, every Pharaoh's sarcophagus was taken to local museums across Egypt, even abroad. the last one being king tutankhamun's which was now in the UK in one of the biggest museums in London.

Intrigued, he approaches it and notices a name inscribed in hieroglyphics on its surface. He squints his eyes, trying to decipher the characters.

"T..Y...U..N..G," he whispers the letters, eyebrows furrowed, an unfamiliar knot in his stomach, "Tyung.." he finally pronounces.

A strange sensation washes over Jungkook as he reads the name aloud. It's as if a distant emotion is trying to resurface, but he can't quite grasp it. He shakes his head, dismissing the odd feeling for now.

he was sure he has never come across such a name in the whole egyptian history. he knew every pharaoh or noble from each dynasty. by face and by heart.

but somehow, the name didn't feel unfamiliar. oddly, the feeling of anticipation he had upon entering the tomb was successfully quenched. as If, this sarcophagus was the reason he was pulled in this whole messy hole of emotions.

Suddenly, a loud screech echoes through the tomb, causing all three of them to jump in fright.

a bunch of bats swarm out from hidden crevices above them, flapping their wings wildly.

"cover up!" the guide screamed.

hoseok panicked, "What's happening? Are those bats attacking us?"

namjoon waved his arms frantically, "Stay calm! Just protect your face!"

The trio swats at the bats desperately, trying to shield themselves from their sharp claws and fluttering wings.

Amidst the chaos, Jungkook's eyes catch a glimmer of light reflecting off one of the hieroglyphics on the wall.

Jungkook squints at it through his dizziness and reads aloud what he sees.

he reads the ancient words, "For thee meant to forget the tales of past, let memories blur,
In the tapestry of eternity, a departure from the familiar."

As soon as those words leave his lips, an intense burning sensation surges through Jungkook's body. He clutches his stomach in agony, feeling as if his insides are being consumed by fire. He collapses to the ground, unconscious.

Hoseok and Namjoon, still fending off the bats, rushed to Jungkook's side in a panic. They checked on each other briefly before turning their attention back to their fallen friend.

"Jungkook!" hoseok called, "Wake up! What happened to him?"

"I don't know," namjoon replies, "but we need to get him out of here. It's not safe."

Hoseok nods in agreement, his eyes filled with worry.

Together, they carefully lift Jungkook's limp body and begin making their way towards the exit of the tomb.

As they retreat from the ancient burial site, leaving behind the mysteries of Amenhotep's tomb, questions swirl in their minds. What was the significance of Tyung's name on that coffin? And what had triggered such a violent reaction within Jungkook?

Little did they know that their journey had only just begun, and they'll be hearing a lot of the name Tyung from that day on, the tomb would lead them down a path filled with danger and revelations beyond their wildest imaginations.


In the quiet solitude of the grand room, Jungkook's frustration simmered beneath the surface like an untamed storm.

hoseok and namjoon slept in their dunk beds after a tiring day. jungkook, being asleep for awhile, woke up in the early dark hours of the day.

once he recalled the happenings at imhotep's tomb, he rushed to his belongings. taking out his laptop and phone and started a quest on the web.

His eyes, fixed on the glowing screen, scrolled through endless digital pages, each click a futile attempt to unearth the enigmatic figure of Tyung from the annals of history.

The room echoed with the soft hum of the computer, the only companion to his restless thoughts.

As the cursor danced across the screen, revealing tales of pharaohs and nobles, Jungkook's impatience grew.

Tyung, with his magnificent sarcophagus adorned with forgotten symbols, seemed to defy the very essence of historical documentation. no trace to be found.

He closed his eyes, recalling the sarcophagus and every hieroglyph attached. Yet, Tyung's presence remained elusive, a phantom eluding the grasp of historical certainty.

The glow from the screen cast a pallor on Jungkook's face as he muttered to himself, "Who are you, Tyung? A pharaoh or noble of such grandeur, yet history keeps your secrets locked away."

The search persisted, a dance between determination and exasperation. curiosity and anger he wouldn't know of its cause.

Articles on ancient Egypt unfolded like chapters, yet Tyung's name remained an echo lost in the labyrinth of time.

In this digital quest for a historical ghost, Jungkook's emotions swirled-a frustration, fascination, and an unyielding determination to unveil the hidden chapters of Tyung's existence.

The journey through the virtual corridors of history mirrored his own quest, a relentless pursuit of a story lost in the veiled recesses of antiquity.


The morning sunlight painted the quaint restaurant with a warm glow as the boys gathered around a table laden with a sumptuous breakfast spread.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and exotic spices filled the air, creating a cozy ambiance.

Hoseok couldn't stand the morning quietude, joked "Jungkook, you sure you're not secretly auditioning for a role in an Egyptian drama with all that fainting and stuff?"

Laughter rippled through the group, but concern lingered in their eyes.

Namjoon leaned forward. "Seriously, Kook, it's not like you to faint. You were fine until you started deciphering those hieroglyphs. Any specific reason?"

Jungkook froze for a second, before a faint smile graced his lips, he took a bite of an exotic fruit into his mouth, nodding thoughtfully. "You guys worry too much. I'm the last person you should be concerned about among us three, you should know that," he winked playfully earning an eye roll from hoseok and a silent sigh from namjoon.

he laughed "no but seriously, I'm fine, you know? The history, the mystery, everything. I guess my brain couldn't handle the excitement, and I took a little unplanned break."

Hoseok chimed in, genuine worry in his eyes. "But you scared us, man! We thought something serious happened."

Jungkook offered a reassuring smile, sipping his coffee. "I appreciate your concern, really. It's just a minor hiccup. Now, let's focus on the adventure ahead. More ancient wonders to explore, and I promise, no more fainting drama."

As the group continued their breakfast, the lighthearted jokes did ease the tension, yet jungkook couldn't stop thinking about that sarcophagus, knowing fully well that he just lied to his friends. and that indeed the reason he fainted was the name he read on the sarcophagus.


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