𓄣¹³. make our stars align

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a week later.


Under the cover of disguises, Tyung and Jungkook ventured into the bustling market, their eyes keen and senses alert to any suspicious activities.

jungkook was assigned by Tyung as his first companion. something like a bodyguard which jungkook laughed about it sarcastically saying Tyung was adamant on ending his life in this realm.

they were now on a quest to uncover the truth behind the shadow serpent cult.

they received information from trusted sources, which is obviously non other than jeymeen, that the cult would be active today between commoners.

that's why they were out in disguise.

Tyung without his regal attire, strolled the streets and alleys like an expert.

jungkook concluded it's not his first time being in disguise. he might even know some people amd commoners and talk to them without them realizing he's the pharaoh himself. no pharaoh has ever done that, and hes sure their ego wont let them.

how cool this man could be.

jungkook eyed Tyung in curiosity then whispered, "Your Majesty, the architecture in ancient Egypt is absolutely magnificent." he started, seeking nothing but to strike a conversation with the other seeing how awfully awkward the silence settled between the two.

"The grandeur of these structures, the precision in their designs, it's awe-inspiring. And the people, they seem to carry the weight of centuries in their eyes, don't they?"

Pharaoh Tyung smirked arrogantly beside him, yet it was hidden under his scarf, "Our ancestors built wonders that have withstood the test of time. The people here are the stewards of our glorious legacy."

Jungkook gaped more, genuinely fascinated, "It's incredible how every stone tells a story, how every carving speaks of a civilization's greatness. The craftsmanship is unparalleled. I can't help but marvel at the skills and dedication of the artisans who created these masterpieces."

"Our artisans were the finest of their time, their talents unmatched. Their work immortalized our empire." Tyung explained, finding joy and pride in talking about his kingdom to another from a very far land.

"Your Majesty," jungkook stopped, making Tyung halt his movements and look his way, "it's an honor to witness this rich cultural tapestry. I'm genuinely fascinated by the depth of Egypt's history and the resilience of its people."

"As well you should be." the young pharaoh stressed before starting to walk, "Egypt's legacy is a testament to our superiority, an empire that will leave an indelible mark on the world."

Jungkook nodded respectfully, lost in his thoughts, he wonders if Tyung said it randomly, or did he know how great of a culture treasure this place would be. was it all calculated after all?

his eyes were still filled with genuine admiration as they continued their stroll through the ancient Egyptian markets.

"My pharaoh," Jungkook called again and Tyung rolled his eyes. turning back to face the curious guy with an icy expression.

"the presence of ancient Egyptian gods seems to permeate every corner of this land. Anubis, the guardian of the afterlife, and Ra, the sun god, are revered here. It's fascinating how deeply ingrained their influence is in the daily lives of the people."

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