𓃠²⁰. royalty in your loving gaze

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In the quiet solitude of his chambers, Tyung gently unfolded the delicate fabric of his deceased mother's clothing.

The memories of her warm embrace and loving words flooded his mind, and a bittersweet ache gripped his heart.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he clutched the garment, longing for the comfort of her presence.

Since her passing, Tyung had built walls around his heart, becoming distant and cold to shield himself from the pain of loss. But in the presence of Jungkook recently, something within him stirred.

Opening up felt perilous, a vulnerability he hadn't dared embrace in years.

Yet, a flicker of trust blossomed deep within, whispering that Jungkook was worth it, that he wouldn't abandon Tyung. it being his worst fear.

Deep down, Tyung knew, despite the dangers of irresponsibility of his decision, he couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing him closer to the man from another land.

and so, he recklessly and fully committed to embrace his these new uncertain feelings and cherish them till the end.

on the other neighboring room, Jungkook's heart danced with giddy anticipation as he thought about his moments with Tyung, the cold Pharaoh who had begun to open the doors of his heart for him and him only.

The warmth he felt in Tyung's presence was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, a love that mirrored the deep affection between his own parents.

He couldn't help but marvel at the way Tyung's icy exterior seemed to thaw in his company, revealing a vulnerable and genuine soul.

As he envisioned introducing Tyung to his parents, a flicker of concern crept into his thoughts.

How could he bridge the gap between two worlds so vastly different?

His parents, grounded in the modern era, and Tyung, a powerful ruler of ancient Egypt, seemed like stars from entirely separate galaxies.

Yet, the love he felt for both worlds was undeniable.

In his heart, Jungkook vowed to find a way, a bridge between the realms that would allow his parents to meet the extraordinary man who had captured his heart.

He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make it happen, driven by the deep love he felt for both Tyung and his family.

The challenge seemed daunting, but Jungkook was ready to face it, fueled by the power of love and the belief that extraordinary connections could transcend even the boundaries of time and place.

His eyes flickered open, but instead of the ornate walls of the palace, he saw the familiar contours of his room back home.

A pang of confusion and nostalgia gripped his heart, reminding him of the life he had left behind.

Memories of his friends, the comforting presence of his parents, and the ordinary routines of his everyday existence flooded his mind.

For a moment, he felt torn between the ancient world he had become a part of and the modern life he had once known.

Sitting up in bed, a sense of longing washed over him, like a ship caught between two distant shores.

He pondered the complexities of his situation, the vast chasm between the two worlds he now straddled.

The weight of homesickness settled on his shoulders, reminding him of the laughter, the shared moments, and the love he had left behind.

he found himself torn between the comforting familiarity of home and the alluring mystery of the ancient land he now called his own.

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