𓁃²². becoming one

105 12 5

the story gets interesting starting from here darlings.
I'm taking you for a long ass emotional cute but cruel rollercoaster (not ur typical one) so,
buckle up!

rated : [16+]

Jungkook, his own heart echoing the intensity of Tyung's emotions, tenderly caressed the pharaoh's hair.

In a moment of unspoken passion, Tyung found himself lifted gently by Jungkook's strong arms until their eyes met at the same level.

The proximity made Tyung gasp, his heart racing with anticipation. Their foreheads touched, their warm breaths mingling in the air, creating an invisible thread of desire between them.

With tender reverence, Jungkook's lips brushed against Tyung's cheek, leaving behind a lingering, loving kiss that stole Tyung's breath away.

In that tender touch, they exchanged a world of emotions, unspoken words of love and longing that needed no voice to convey their depth.

Jungkook's warm breath caressed Tyung's ear as he whispered, "I love you." The words, so simple yet profound, sent shivers down Tyung's spine.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Tyung closed his eyes and clung tightly to Jungkook's shoulder, his heart racing in his chest.

With a yearning tone, Jungkook repeated his confession, "I love you.." before pressing tender kisses down Tyung's neck.

In the dim candlelight, Tyung's soft moans filled the air, a symphony of desire that drove Jungkook to the edge of insanity.

He couldn't resist the allure of his lover's vulnerability, the way Tyung's lips parted in sweet surrender.

Leaning in, Jungkook captured those tempting lips with his own, initiating a kiss that was both passionate and tender.

Their lips met like a long-awaited reunion, melding together with a fiery intensity that spoke of their unspoken longing.

Tyung's hands found their way to Jungkook's hair, fingers threading through the dark locks as he pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

Their mouths moved in a slow, sensuous dance, exploring each other with a hunger that transcended the physical realm.

Jungkook's tongue traced Tyung's lips, seeking entrance, and Tyung willingly granted it, their tongues intertwining in a fervent, intimate embrace.

Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the intoxicating taste of each other, their bodies pressed together, heat and desire mingling between them.

Their lips parted, both gasping for breath, but the magnetic pull between them was undeniable.

Before Tyung could fully regain his composure, Jungkook's lips found his once more, each kiss imprinting Tyung's name like a sacred mantra.

"Tyung.." Jungkook murmured between kisses, his voice laced with a desperate longing. "fuck...Tyung."

With each tender touch, Jungkook expressed his love and devotion, his lips mapping out the contours of Tyung's mouth as if trying to memorize every inch of him.

Tyung melted beneath his touch, succumbing to the overwhelming emotions that Jungkook stirred within him.

It was a dance of passion and intimacy, a silent vow exchanged through the language of their entwined bodies.

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