𓀛⁴¹. sacrifice above heavens

52 9 8

trigger warning: character death
(this is an angst with happy ending book, y'all rest assured)

As Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, he found himself in a familiar yet foreign room.

The scent of books and musk mingled with the subtle fragrance of Jungkook's cologne, instantly bringing a pang of both comfort and longing.

It was Jungkook's room, the researcher's temporary room in modern Egypt.

Despite the surroundings, an overwhelming sense of fear settled in Taehyung's chest. He was afraid for Jungkook, for the savage battle he was facing back in ancient Egypt.

An internal battle waged within Taehyung.

He wanted to return to Jungkook, to be by his side and support him in whatever way he could.

Yet, he also understood the gravity of the situation and didn't want to become a distraction.

Trusting in Jungkook's strength, Taehyung made a decision to wait, to believe in his love and his capabilities.

Cautiously, he moved through the room, his steps tentative yet purposeful.

To keep himself occupied and to feel closer to Jungkook, he decided to use Jungkook's belongings as he scurried to the bathroom to clean himself.

The touch of familiar objects brought a strange comfort, a connection to the man he loved even though they were physically apart.

As he entered the bathroom, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, his eyes reflecting the uncertainty and hope that mingled within him.

In this moment of waiting, all he could do was trust and wait for Jungkook's return, hoping and praying for his safety and over the shadow warden.


Jungkook's body felt like it was being crushed under the weight of exhaustion and pain.

Each breath he took was a struggle, his chest searing with agony from the wound inflicted by the shadow warden's dagger.

The villain, too, was showing signs of weariness; his movements were slower, his attacks less precise.

In a moment of bitter defiance, Jungkook, despite his weakened state, summoned his remaining strength to taunt the shadow warden.

"Say please," he gasped, his voice laced with sarcasm, his eyes filled with defiance.

The taunt worked like fuel to the villain's rage, his face contorting with anger. With a furious roar, he lunged at Jungkook, striking him once more with his dagger.

Jungkook, however, had devised a cunning plan. He purposely allowed the villain's blade to pierce his flesh again, his body arching in pain.

But as the shadow warden laughed triumphantly, unaware of the true nature of Jungkook's actions, Jungkook's eyes closed in pain.

His grip on the chrono scepter tightened, and he chanted a spell under his breath, his voice a mere whisper amidst the chaos.

The scepter glowed brilliantly, its light blinding as it absorbed the shadow warden's essence. The villain's triumphant laughter turned into horrified screams, his form disintegrating into smoke, then getting sucked inside the scepter.

jungkook looked at scepter before breaking it on the ground into little pieces, the scepter glowed one more time before disappearing into dust.

Jungkook's body trembled, a mix of relief and utter exhaustion washing over him.

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