³⁴. the hero of a bygone era

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In the dimly lit secret room, Jungkook, Tyung, Jeymeen, and Taehyung gathered around a table cluttered with ancient scrolls and artifacts.

Jeymeen meticulously examined the pieces, deciphering the texts with his experienced eyes.

"According to these scrolls," Jeymeen began, his finger tracing the intricate lines on the parchment, "the key to fulfilling the prophecy lies in the Chrono Scepter, its pieces scattered across different eras."

Tyung nodded in understanding, his eyes focused on the fragmented map spread across the table.

"We must gather the pieces from various times to restore its power and maintain the balance of time."

Jungkook then turned to Taehyung, attempting to bridge the language barrier.

"I believe Taehyung unintentionally traveled through time because of his emotional connection to some objects in your chambers, Pharaoh Tyung."

Tyung raised an eyebrow, intrigued, and looked at Taehyung, who wore a puzzled expression.

Despite not understanding the conversation, Taehyung observed their gestures and expressions, trying to piece together the discussion.

Jeymeen continued, pointing at the map.

"These marks indicate the eras where the Chrono Scepter fragments are hidden. We need to retrieve them before anyone with ill intentions does."

While the others delved into the details, Taehyung remained silent, his brow furrowed in confusion.

He couldn't contribute meaningfully to the conversation due to the language barrier, but his eyes flickered with curiosity, eager to grasp the significance of their mission.

Jungkook's eyes scanned the ancient text, his voice steady as he read out the eras written on the scrolls.

"The first era is the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs," Jungkook began, his finger tracing the corresponding location on the map.

"During the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, one piece of the Chrono Scepter was hidden within the Pharaoh's chamber."

He continued, his tone filled with determination, "The second era takes us to ancient Greece, amidst the flourishing city-state of Athens. The fragment was safeguarded within the Acropolis, under the watchful eyes of the Athenian philosophers and scholars."

Jungkook's gaze focused on the third point on the map, his voice unwavering, "In the era of the Roman Empire, amidst the grandeur of the Colosseum, a piece of the Chrono Scepter was also concealed, protected by the might of the gladiators and emperors."

His finger moved to another location, "The fourth era brings us to the Silk Road, during the peak of trade and cultural exchange. The fragment was hidden within a bustling marketplace, amid merchants and travelers from various civilizations."

Jungkook's eyes glinted with determination as he reached the final point, "The last era takes us to ancient China, during the construction of the Great Wall. The final piece of the Chrono Scepter was placed within the depths of the Emperor's palace, guarded by the Imperial Army."

He looked at his companions, conviction in his gaze. "We must journey to these eras, retrieve the pieces, and restore the Chrono Scepter. Only then can we protect the fabric of time and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands."

Jungkook felt determined, after finally knowing the reason he was pulled back in time. his life had a purpose, he has a responsibility up his shoulders.

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