³⁵. fire for his ice

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The sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the palace courtyard.

Jungkook and Jeymeen, accompanied by a retinue of guards, prepared for their journey to seek guidance from Seneb, the spiritual advisor.

Leaving the palace gates behind, they started a journey that led them through bustling marketplaces and winding alleys of the city.

The air was filled with the aroma of exotic spices, and the distant calls of merchants created a vibrant atmosphere.

Then their journey took them beyond the city's boundaries, where the landscape transformed into endless stretches of undulating sand dunes.

The desert, vast and unyielding, seemed to stretch out endlessly under the boundless blue sky.

The sun beat down upon them, its rays shimmering on the golden sands.

As they traversed the desert, the guards led the way, their horses gracefully navigating the shifting sands.

The desert offered a stark beauty, with occasional oases providing moments of respite.

Water, precious and life-giving, was carefully rationed, ensuring their survival in the unforgiving terrain.

The travelers marveled at the play of light and shadow on the sand, the ever-changing landscape a testament to nature's artistry.

At nightfall, they set up camp under the canopy of stars, the vast desert sky adorned with countless twinkling lights.

The flickering flames of their campfire illuminated their faces, casting dancing shadows that seemed to echo the ancient whispers of the desert.

Under the celestial tapestry, the group shared stories and laughter, finding solace in each other's company.

The night was a symphony of silence, broken only by the gentle rustle of the desert wind and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

Jungkook and Jeymeen arrived at their destination, a hidden oasis nestled deep within the heart of the desert.

The oasis was a haven of life amid the barren sands, a sanctuary that seemed almost surreal in its beauty.

Surrounded by lush palm trees, their emerald fronds swaying gently in the breeze, the oasis was centered around a crystal-clear pool of water.

The water shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the vivid blue of the sky above. Exotic flowers in hues of pink, purple, and gold adorned the oasis, their petals delicately perfuming the air with a sweet fragrance.

Elegant gazebos, adorned with flowing fabrics in rich hues, provided shade and comfort.

The sound of trickling water from small fountains added a soothing melody to the oasis, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and peace.

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise and awe as he took in the sight before him.

"I never knew something like this exists in the world I live in," he marveled, his voice filled with wonder.

He felt a deep sense of gratitude for the oasis, a reminder of nature's ability to thrive even in the harshest of environments.

Jeymeen, with a serene smile, nodded in agreement.

"This oasis is not only a physical sanctuary but also a spiritual one," he explained,

"It is said that the waters here hold ancient wisdom and healing powers, bestowed upon us by the desert spirits."

As they ventured further into the oasis, they could hear the melodic chirping of birds and the occasional rustle of leaves as small creatures moved about.

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