𓀘¹⁵. rhapsody of devotion

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The courtroom was abuzz with whispered conversations as Pharaoh Tyung entered, his regal presence commanding immediate attention.

Dressed in resplendent robes, his demeanor exuded authority and power. as usual.

As the courtiers and officials rose to greet him, Tyung's eyes scanned the room, his gaze sharp and discerning.

However, his composed exterior faltered the moment his eyes fell upon Jungkook.

There, amidst the sea of courtiers, stood jungkook, resplendent in his newly acquired ancient Egyptian attire.

His garments, white fabrics with a belt on his waist, adorned with hieroglyphic patterns, accentuated his lithe form, and the fabric draped elegantly behind his shoulders.

His hair, longer than usual, cascaded down to his ears, framing his handsome face. Jungkook's features, sharp and defined, were a proof to his manly allure, and his dark eyes held a mysterious depth.

A subtle, casual smile graced Jungkook's lips as his eyes met Tyung's discreetly.

The intensity of his gaze, coupled with the enigmatic smile, sent a ripple of awareness through Tyung.

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as they exchanged an unspoken understanding.

Tyung's chest tickled, a strange warmth blooming within him.

He was struck by how incredibly attractive Jungkook looked in the ancient Egyptian attire, his presence commanding attention and admiration.

The courtiers were all bowing their heads for the pharaoh, but him, since day one, has always looked him in the eyes. as if saying : I see you. I know you. and it awakened a tornado inside Tyung.

As the court proceedings commenced, Tyung found it difficult to tear his gaze away from Jungkook.

his annoyance growing with time at each and every look the others gave the male. because for him, jungkook was his servant. he wasn't for the other's eyes to pry on.

The courtroom was charged with an air of tension as Pharaoh Tyung, seated on his ornate throne, listened to the reports about Kemet's economic struggles and tax issues.

His brows furrowed in deep concentration, his eyes sharp as he scrutinized the officials presenting their findings.

"Your Majesty," one official began, his voice slightly trembling, "the drought in the southern provinces has severely affected our agricultural output. The tax revenues have plummeted, and the people are struggling to meet their obligations."

Tyung's expression remained stern, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "Our people suffer, and the kingdom's coffers dwindle. This cannot continue. We need solutions, not excuses."

Imhotep intervened, "these issues are beyond our control. Nature is unpredictable."

Tyung wasn't convinced. and it showed.

"Perhaps we could provide relief to the people, lessen their tax burden temporarily, until the situation improves." the official suggested.

Tyung's gaze shifted to him, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Relief, you say? We cannot afford temporary solutions. We must find alternative sources of revenue, implement new policies, and ensure that our kingdom thrives despite the challenges."

Throughout the proceedings, Jungkook, standing at a discreet distance, felt a surge of frustration.

His hands clenched involuntarily, aching to offer suggestions and solutions.

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