³⁷. the beginning of an end

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In the quiet solitude of his chamber Jungkook stood in the golden hues of flickering candlelight as the shadows danced on the ancient walls.

His breaths were steady, his gaze fixed on the intricately carved door before him.

Beside him, Jeymeen stood as a pillar of support, his eyes reflecting the same determination that burned within Jungkook's soul.

The air hung heavy with a sense of purpose driving Jungkook's every thought.

The room was surely messy.

Maps, scrolls, and fragments of ancient texts lay strewn across a polished table, a proof to the meticulous planning that had led them here.

Jungkook's eyes flitted across the room, his mind racing through the eras they were about to traverse.

His lips moved in silent curse, one that jeymeen mightve mistook for a prayer...

he, too, felt the weight of their quest.

His faith in Jungkook unshakable.

The time had come to go on their mission, to navigate the currents of history, and to retrieve the scattered remnants of an ancient power that held the key to their world's salvation.

the air was charged with a mix of determination and tension.

Tyung, regal and composed, stepped closer to Jungkook, his eyes carrying a blend of concern and ... pride.

His voice, rich as the deepest night, resonated with unwavering support, "May the gods guide your steps and bring you back unharmed."

Jungkook, his gaze locked with Tyung's, felt the weight of those words settle upon his shoulders.

His voice, smooth as silk yet laced with a subtle hint of vulnerability, replied his lover, "I will return to your side, my Pharaoh. safe, as well as unharmed."

Taehyung though, understood the depth of their connection, felt the tendrils of jealousy winding around his heart. and it was obvious in his pout.

Yet, once jungkook turned to him and sternly pointed out that he should stay away from trouble..he managed a playful grin, laced with a touch of mischief.

"I can't promise you this but," he chimed, his tone light but his eyes carrying a flicker of challenge, "I'll try not to cause any royal scandals in your absence. But who knows, maybe I'll uncover some mysteries of my own."

Jungkook, catching the glint in Taehyung's eyes, couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter carrying a warmth that bridged the unspoken gap between them.

"Be good, Taehyung," he teased, his voice tinged with affection, "and don't delve too deep into those mysteries without me. I wouldn't want you getting into trouble."

In the fading twilight of the chamber, Jungkook mustered a brave smile, a beacon of reassurance before he embarked on his perilous journey through time.

His eyes, pools of determination, met Tyung's with a silent promise, a commitment to return to the Pharaoh's side.

As he closed his eyes, he held within him the combined weight of his lovers' hopes and the unspoken faith they placed in him.

Tyung was the Pharaoh with the weight of an ancient realm on his shoulders. he watched Jungkook with a mixture of pride and hesitancy.

The strength in Jungkook's smile was a soothing balm to Tyung's fears, yet his heart couldn't help but tighten with the ever-present worry for his beloved.

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