𓋙⁸. the fateful encounter

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as a couple tough guards with ancient clothes dragged him across the corridors, Jungkook was baffled by his surroundings; it was surreal, so pretty and royal.

The ornate architecture and intricate details left Jungkook in awe as he stood there, trying to absorb the sheer beauty that surrounded him.

Every corner seemed to hold a story, and each wall was adorned with paintings that depicted a rich history.

The grandeur of the place was beyond anything he had ever seen before, evoking a sense of royalty that resonated deep within him. It felt like stepping into a dream, where elegance and opulence merged effortlessly.

As he wandered through the halls, mouth slightly open in surprise and disbelief, Jungkook couldn't help but marvel at the ethereal ambiance that engulfed him, making him feel like a part of something extraordinary.

The combination of beauty and grandiosity was simply surreal, leaving him spellbound in this magnificent realm. small wows and laughs leaving his parted lips.

for an archeologist, this is a dream come true. and not just any dream. it was the most unrealistic one.

After some rounds, he saw it was suitable to pinch himself, fortunately, he didn't wake up from the dream he thought he was in.

The atmosphere and the smell, even the clothes the guards wore were all linked to ancient Egypt, a living proof of his whereabouts.

Once he was in front of a huge door, decorated with golden frames and jewelry in a shape of cobra on the handle, they pushed it open and stepped into a world he never could have imagined.

There was.. every piece of furniture in gold, the heads and statues of cats sitting regaly in every corner of the room, and drawings of pharaohsamd gods on the walls.


He was somehow teleported to ancient Egypt, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

In a state of disbelief and denial, he lost his sense of the moment until he felt a strong jab on his side that sent him groaning in pain.

He turned around to see a group of guards dressed in traditional Egyptian attire, their stern expressions indicating that they meant business.

As he tried to comprehend his situation, one of the guards spoke in a language that is not english. it was ancient egyptian.

he could understand that he told him to follow him, but it was the first time he hears someone speak the language he has spent most years of his life learning.

With no other choice, he obeyed, his mind racing with questions and fear.

They led him through winding corridors adorned with intricate hieroglyphics and into a grand hall filled with bustling activity.

the air was thick with the scent of incense, and the sound of exotic music filled his ears. It was like stepping into a time capsule and immersing himself in a civilization that had long since vanished from the modern world.

which to mind you, was indeed the case.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of being mesmerized, but he was wrongly arrested; he wasn't that dense to realize his presence was unwelcome just by the gazes of everyone around him.

His modern clothes-blue wide leg jeans and an opened shirt on a white t-shirt-were oversized.

It surely looked odd to the people of ancient Egypt, who were accustomed to more traditional attire.

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