²⁸. my heart (body) yearn for you uncontrollably.

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"Ini nishu em hote em en neteru, ini meret aha en hote em sekhet-hetepu." (My soul finds peace among the gods, my love will endure in the eternal fields of peace.)

The air inside the ancient chamber seemed to thicken, clinging to the skin of the researchers like an invisible shroud.

Taehyung's face was pale, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear, as if he had witnessed something supernatural.

His hands trembled as he clutched the scarab amulet, the source of this inexplicable connection.

Jungkook felt his heart pound in his chest, a mixture of dread and hope swirling within him.

Could it be possible that Tyung's spirit was reaching out to them through Taehyung? The very idea sent shivers down his spine, a blend of fear and longing.

He exchanged a quick glance with Yoongi, whose usually composed demeanor was now replaced by furrowed brows, trying to make something out of the events.

Taehyung had just spoke a language he has never seen before. and so fluently.

it was visible to everyone how scared he was. how terrified and detached he was.

Yoongi, always the rational one, spoke up, his voice low and cautious.

"Taehyung, are you certain you don't know hieroglyphics? Perhaps you saw it somewhere and your subconscious mind picked it up."

Taehyung shook his head vigorously, his eyes never leaving the scarab amulet.

"I swear, I have never seen these symbols before, let alone read them. It felt like... like someone else was speaking through me. the words just came to me."

Jin, who had been observing silently, spoke up, his voice laced with curiosity and concern.

"It's possible that this amulet is linked to a specific ritual or incantation. Ancient Egyptians believed in the power of words."

Bambam felt the need to share his insights too. "Maybe this is our ticket to unlocking the mysteries of the past! We could decipher ancient texts, communicate with spirits-"

Jungkook cut him off, his tone firm. "We need to be careful. We don't know what forces we're dealing with here. Taehyung, can you feel anything else? Any presence?"

Taehyung closed his eyes, attempting to sense any lingering energy in the room.

His brows furrowed as he concentrated. "I... I can't be sure. It's like a fleeting touch, a whisper on the edge of my senses. But it's gone now."

The room fell in silence, each researcher lost in their thoughts, grappling with the inexplicable events unfolding before them.

Outside, the desert winds howled, carrying with them the echoes of an ancient civilization, whispering secrets that had long been buried away.

The desert sun beat down mercilessly upon the group of researchers as they hurriedly exited the ancient chambers, leaving Taehyung, who was still visibly shaken, leaning against the weathered stone walls.

He felt a strange heaviness in his chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

The room seemed to close in on him, the hieroglyphics on the walls dancing before his eyes.

The scarab amulet in his hands, pulsed with an otherworldly energy, as if resonating with the secrets buried deep within the palace.

Jungkook also stopped in his tracks. "Go on without me," he urged the others, his voice firm. "I need to do something."

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