𓅄⁴⁴. you belong in my arms,

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Jungkook's brows furrowed in concern as he listened to Yoongi's words, the phone pressed tightly to his ear.

A flicker of worry passed through his eyes. "I'll check on him," he replied, hanging up without waiting for Yoongi's response.

His steps quickened as he headed towards Taehyung's room, a gnawing unease settling in his chest.

Yoongi was claiming that Taehyung has left, he said he saw him leaving with a suitcase this morning so early and when he asked him about it, Taehyung lied saying it's for laundry.

but Yoongi was skeptical the whole time and decided to ask Jungkook if Taehyung got back from laundry or did he really leave.

The door creaked open under Jungkook's touch, revealing an empty room, void of Taehyung's usual warmth.

A sinking feeling gripped Jungkook's heart as he noticed the absence of Taehyung's belongings.

He knew, without a doubt, that Taehyung had left without a word.

Fear, sharp and palpable, clawed at him. His fingers trembled as he tried to call Taehyung, but the repeated dial tones echoed in the empty room.

Taehyung's phone remained stubbornly silent, adding to Jungkook's growing sense of dread.

Jungkook's desperation was obvious as he continued to call Taehyung's phone, his voice growing more frantic with each attempt.

He paced the room, his mind swirling with confusion and worry.

Why would Taehyung leave without a word?

Why was he not answering his phone?

The unanswered questions gnawed at Jungkook's every thought, fueling his desperation.

he walked out, deciding to search for him in the local stations. but then again, there's so many. by the time he knew which one he went to, he'd be gone.

With trembling hands, he decided to visit Taehyung's room once more, hoping to find some clue, some indication of where he might have gone.

As he stepped inside, his eyes fell on a folded piece of paper neatly placed on Taehyung's desk. He picked it up, his brows furrowing at the unusual sight.

Taehyung was more accustomed to modern means of communication, so the presence of a handwritten letter was rather.. perplexing.

Curiosity mingled with worry, Jungkook slowly unfolded the paper, finding carefully crafted words that held a depth of emotion.

Jungkook's confusion deepened as he read, trying to grasp the meaning behind the words.

My Dearest Jungkook,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I hope you're savoring the moments of tranquility in our shared abode.
As I sit down to pen these words, I am reminded of the sands of Egypt, the ancient whispers that fill the air, and the mysteries that linger in every corner.

However, it appears even the grandeur of Egypt cannot hold my restless spirit for too long. A touch of wanderlust has crept into my bones, urging me to explore beyond the realms of pyramids. I find myself yearning for new horizons, craving the distant.

Fear not, my dear friend, for this is not a farewell, but merely a brief interlude. I embark on a sojourn, a journey of discovery, and I promise to return to your side in a month time. In the meantime, I leave you, trusting that the world will echo with your laughter and warmth in my absence.

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