³³. in you, i found a friend & a lover.

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The room, adorned in opulent Egyptian tapestries and flickering candlelight, seemed to close in on Pharaoh Tyung as he drowned his sorrows in a goblet of wine.

His heart, once filled with the warmth of love, now simmered with jealousy and possessiveness.

The crimson liquid mirrored the intensity of his emotions, the bitter taste matching the bitterness that festered within him.

Tyung's eyes, usually filled with a gentle sparkle, were now clouded by the haze of intoxication and heartache.

He clung to his pride like a lifeline, unable to accept the reality that had unveiled itself before him.

Jungkook, his beloved, had defended Taehyung with a loyalty that Tyung found both infuriating and heartbreaking.

In the depths of his drunken stupor, Tyung's thoughts swirled like a sandstorm, his mind torn between longing for Jungkook's touch and the searing jealousy that consumed him.

He envisioned Taehyung as a snake, slithering into their lives with calculated innocence, his eyes reflecting an innocence that Tyung refused to believe.

"Why does he defend him?" Tyung muttered bitterly to the empty room, his voice a mixture of anguish and rage.

"Is that blue man worth my Jungkook's loyalty? No, he's a charlatan, a deceiver preying on Jungkook's kindness."

Each sip of wine felt like a dagger to his heart, a reminder of the love slipping through his fingers.

His fingers tightened around the goblet, his knuckles turning white with the intensity of his emotions.

He envisioned Jungkook's laughter, the way it had resonated with Taehyung, and it felt like a betrayal, a betrayal that struck at the core of his being.

His vision blurred as tears welled up in his eyes, tears of frustration, jealousy, and aching love.

He longed for Jungkook's presence, his touch, his kisses, yet he recoiled at the idea of sharing him with another.

Pride and vulnerability clashed within him, tearing at his soul like vultures fighting over a carcass.

The room spun, the flickering candles casting eerie shadows on the walls, mirroring the chaos within Tyung's heart.

He downed another goblet of wine, hoping it would drown the torment that clawed at his insides.

In the depths of his despair, he whispered Jungkook's name, a plea for solace and reassurance, unaware of the storm that raged outside and within him.

"Jungkook," Pharaoh Tyung's voice echoed in the silence of his chambers, laden with desperation and fear.

"Do not abandon me like the fading embers of a dying sun. Stay by my side, for I fear the darkness that lurks in the absence of your light."


Taehyung, his eyes wide and hopeful, looked up at Jungkook as he entered the room.

"My hero," he said dramatically, earning a chuckle from Jungkook.

"Come on. It was just a dagger," Jungkook replied, trying to play it cool.

"Just a dagger? You saved me from an angry criminal with just 'a dagger'?" Taehyung teased, a smile playing on his lips.
"You're like a warrior from the ancient legends!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm no hero, just doing what anyone would do."

"But you did it so selflessly," Taehyung continued, his voice full of admiration. "I'm lucky to have you watching my back."

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