𓅓¹. follow your heart

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Scene: Jungkook's Room - Evening

Jungkook was sitting on his bed, typing on his laptop when his phone ringed. he looked under his glasses to see that it was a video call from his most favorite person in the whole world.

it perfectly showed in the way his eyes lit up, and the way he slowly closed his laptop to focus on the call.

"Hey, beautiful. How are you?" he smiled gently, earning a warm giggle from the woman on the line.

"My baby boy! Happy birthday! I can't believe my little naughty adventurer is turning twenty six today!" her warm yet excited voice made jungkooks tense body relax. it was a voice that baffled him for how much effect it has on his subconscious.

Jungkook tipped his head to the side, a hand reaching out to push his slightly long locks away from his forehead in a shy manner, "thanks Mom. Yeah, another year older and yes I'm still in love with Egypt." he laughs lightly, a knowing glint in his eyes as the woman sighed playfully.

"Oh, I'm not surprised at all. You've been talking about pyramids and pharaohs since you were in diapers. I think Egypt is your true love after all" she shook her head in surrender.

Jungkook giggled silently before nodding, "you know me too well, Mom."

just then, another guy joins the frame and waves at jungkook, drawing a wide smile from him.

"Happy birthday son! I can't believe you finally made up your mind to go there, and on your birthday too! I hope you have an amazing time in Egypt. Just remember to bring me back a souvenir, okay?" the man chuckles with his kind eyes crinkling.

Jungkook nods calmly, "thanks for the wish pops. Of course, I'll find something special just for you. Maybe a mini pyramid or a camel keychain?" he teases.

his mom gasps playfully, "Oh, honey, make sure it's not a real camel. We don't have space for that in the backyard!"

thats when Jungkook bursts into laughter. a kind of laugh that only comes with his encounters with his parents.

"Don't worry, Mom." he assures them, "I'll stick to the smaller, non-living souvenirs."

"Good to hear! And remember, if you get lost in the pyramids, just tell them you're my son. They'll let you out immediately because they know I'll come after them!" she winks, her husband chuckles and joins in on the fun.

"That's right! No pyramid can hold our Jungkook captive. You have the power of your mom's wrath on your side!" he gestures to the mom playfully, receiving a playful glare in return.

Jungkook laughs even harder. "Thanks guys. I'll make sure to remember that. don't worry, I'll be careful and have so much fun"

"That's my brave boy! We're proud of you, Jungkook. Have an incredible adventure, and don't forget to call us whenever you can." his mom smiled, but jungkook could easily hear the order in her tone which made him smile.

his dad added, "Take care, son. We love you alright!"

"I love you both too." he waved lazily before hanging up.

his eyes fell on a picture of his parents on his bedside table, the two were hugging and smiling with genuine happiness on their eyes, it made him scoff, but nonetheless, smile fondly.

"They have such an incredible relationship. I'm jealous" he whispered. then paused for a moment, a wistful expression crossing his face.

"they totally brainwashed me, and right now I cant help want something like they have." he shakes his head at his words. thinking that because of them his standards were too high.

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