³². he came just like that & took you away from me.

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Taehyung stretched his arms, his body aching from the unfamiliar stiffness of the new bedding.

He let out a whine of complaint, his voice echoing in the spacious room.

Just as he attempted to sit up, the grand doors of his room swung open, revealing Jungkook's silhouette against the golden sunlight streaming in.

Taehyung's eyes widened, his mouth agape, as a group of servants followed Jungkook, carrying trays laden with a delicious breakfast spread fit for royalty.

Jungkook's eyes crinkled with amusement at Taehyung's surprised expression.

"Good morning, Taehyung. I thought you might be hungry," Jungkook said, a warm smile on his lips.

He gestured for the servants to arrange the food on a nearby table, the aroma of freshly baked bread and exotic fruits filling the air.

Taehyung's stomach rumbled in response to the enticing smell, and he couldn't help but comment,

"Is this how breakfast looks like in a palace? I might never leave."

Jungkook chuckled, his laughter as melodious as wind chimes.

"Get used to it. You're a guest here, and we treat our guests with the best we have."

As the servants busily set the table, Jungkook approached Taehyung, his eyes filled with genuine friendliness.

"Let me give you some tips on surviving the palace life," he said, his tone friendly and reassuring.

"Feel free to wander around the palace or outside, but always be accompanied by guards. Stick to your room if you don't want to attract attention, or you can stay by my side whenever I'm not busy."

Taehyung couldn't help but tease, "Are you concerned about my safety, Jungkookie?" His voice held a playful tone, but his heart fluttered at the thought that Jungkook might actually care about him.

Jungkook's gaze softened, his eyes meeting Taehyung's.

"Of course, Taehyung," he replied, his voice gentle yet firm. "You're my responsibility now. I want you to go back home safe."

A blush crept up Taehyung's cheeks, even though he knew Jungkook's heart belonged to someone else.

"Thank you," he murmured, his gratitude evident in his eyes.

Taehyung observed Jungkook closely, his eyes tracing the contours of his face.

"You look happier here," Taehyung noted softly. "This life suits you, Jungkook."

Jungkook's smile was bittersweet as he replied, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken emotions.

"That's because Tyung is here. His presence makes everything brighter, including my days."

A pang of bitterness settled in Taehyung's chest, but he pushed it aside, forcing a smile.

curiosity overcame him, and he mustered the courage to ask the question that had been haunting him.

"have you ...ever thought about going back to the future? Or are you planning to stay here forever?"

Jungkook's gaze was steady, his expression resolute.

"If I find out how the gate works, I might visit the future occasionally," he admitted honestly. "But my heart belongs here, with Tyung. I've made my choice, Taehyung. I'll stay with him."

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