𓆘¹⁰.found you

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Seated upon his ornate throne, Pharaoh Tyung exuded an air of regal authority as he observed the trembling peasant before him.

The peasant's eyes darted nervously, clearly overawed by the grandeur of the palace and the imposing presence of the Pharaoh.

"Approach," Tyung commanded, his voice as cold and sharp as a blade.

The peasant shuffled forward, bowing deeply under the weight of Tyung's gaze. A servant stood nearby, holding a pouch of coins, ready to fulfill the Pharaoh's command.

Tyung's eyes narrowed, fixating on the peasant with an intense focus. "You will receive your payment once the task is done. Remember, none of us shall be harmed," he said, his words slicing through the air like icicles. "Be careful not to leave a mark, or your fate will be far worse than you can imagine."

The peasant swallowed hard, nodding vigorously in understanding, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.

With a swift motion, the servant handed over the pouch of coins, and the peasant hastily retreated, the weight of his mission settling heavily on his shoulders.

Tyung's cold demeanor remained unyielding, a testament to the lengths he was willing to go to achieve his goals.

In the dim confines of his cell, Jungkook eyed the tray of ancient Egyptian delicacies skeptically.

The aroma of freshly baked bread and fragrant spices wafted through the air, tempting his senses.

The food was a mosaic of colors and textures, from golden flatbreads to vibrant vegetable stews, and slobs of meat. all meticulously prepared in clay pots over an open flame.

With a smirk, he muttered to himself, "Well, at least they're not serving me their leftovers today."

jungkook knew, he was a damn archeologist.

prisoners in ancient egypt will never get the pleasure of even smelling this food let alone eat it.

which makes a knowing smirk play at the sides of his lips. having a very good idea of why hes receiving this special treatment.

he shakes his head, "hes definitely got something for me"

Despite the tempting smells, Jungkook resisted the urge to indulge. noticing the side glances the guard kept giving the tray of food.

"share me my meal, I could not eat this all, and I would hate of it being thrown in waste," he suggested to the guard, who from his very muscular frame looked well trained and tough. a level of toughness that'd take you tears to be noticed physically.

the guard hummed in amusement, "I appreciate the offer, but I've had my fill of Nile-side dining for now."

"I assure you, this is a once in a lifetime chance," jungkook emphasized, purposely taking a piece of meat and shredding it in his hands, making sure to show how soft it was as he winked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

The guard arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Jungkook's nonchalant attitude in the face of captivity. "You're quite confident for a prisoner," he remarked.

Jungkook shrugged, stuffing his face with meat. "Confidence is my middle name. Well, not really, but it should be."

The guard chuckled silently, unable to suppress his smile. "You're an odd one,"

"Odd, but unforgettable," Jungkook quipped, his grin widening. "Now, eat before it gets cold," he says, throwing a piece of meat the guards way, who caught it skillfully.

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