³¹. he was not the one destined to hold Jungkook's heart.

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As Jungkook, Taehyung, and Pharaoh Tyung delved into the scrolls within the secret chamber, they uncovered a profound ancient prophecy, etched by the hands of seers and mystics long forgotten.

yes, a whole real serious prophecy.

The prophecy spoke of a celestial phenomenon, a rare alignment of stars and cosmic energies that occurred once every thousand years.

During this cosmic convergence, a doorway through time and space was briefly opened, allowing a chosen individual to traverse the ages.

The scrolls revealed that this phenomenon was triggered by a unique spiritual resonance within the time traveler – a connection to a soul across centuries.

In Jungkook's case, his soul was inexplicably intertwined with Pharaoh Tyung's, a bond that transcended time itself.

The prophecy foretold the arrival of a 'Soul Weaver,' a person with the extraordinary ability to weave the fabric of time, guided by the echoes of an ancient love.

However, the scrolls also warned of a malevolent force seeking to exploit this power.

An ancient sorcerer, banished through time for his dark deeds, sought to harness the Soul Weaver's abilities for his nefarious purposes.

An enemy. a villain in jungkooks story

This malevolent being, known as the Shadow Warden, desired to rewrite history to serve his own ambitions.

The reason Jungkook appeared in Pharaoh Tyung's room became clear –

Their souls shared an unbreakable bond, due to the cosmic convergence.

the connection between their spirits acted as a beacon, drawing Jungkook to the one place in ancient Egypt where their destinies intersected – the heart of the Pharaoh's power.

Furthermore, the scrolls hinted at a sacred artifact, the Chrono Scepter, which could control the cosmic convergence.

Guarded by ancient guardians, the scepter was scattered across different eras to prevent its misuse.

Jungkook leaned forward, his eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight of the ancient chamber, as he began explaining the intricate details to Taehyung.

"Alright, so here's the deal, Tae. The cosmic convergence is this rare celestial event that happens once in a thousand years. It's like this magical alignment of stars and energies that creates a temporary bridge through time."

Taehyung furrowed his brows, trying to grasp the concept.

"But why does it connect to you, Tyung, and me? And how do we stop this... Shadow Warden?"

Jungkook nodded, appreciating Taehyung's eagerness to understand.

"Our souls are connected across time, like threads woven through history. I think that's why I was drawn to Tyung's room – our fates are entwined. As for the Shadow Warden, he's this ancient sorcerer banished through time, and he wants to misuse the power of the cosmic convergence to rewrite history."

"But how do we find him?" Taehyung asked, his curiosity shining through his eyes blinking dumbly.

Jungkook took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving Taehyung's eyes.

"That's the tricky part. We need to locate the Chrono Scepter, a sacred artifact that controls the cosmic convergence. It's been hidden across different eras to protect it. As for your connection to all this..." Jungkook paused, his voice filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty. "I think you being here has something to do with the strength of our bond. There's more to your connection with me and Tyung, something deeper that we have yet to uncover."

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