𓋹 ⁴³. till death, never do us apart

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In the quiet stillness of the hospital room, Taehyung lay in a deep slumber, his mind drifting through the hallways of time.

Unbeknownst to the world around him, he was caught in the tendrils of vivid memories, fragments of a past life that clawed at his consciousness.

Amidst the beeping monitors, Taehyung's brows furrowed with an unseen weight.

In his dreams, he walked through ancient palaces adorned with gold and silk, his steps echoing the familiarity of ages long gone.

He heard whispers of a language he had never learned in this lifetime, yet it felt like the very essence of his being.

Images flickered like a flickering candle, painting scenes of a pharaoh's life.

Taehyung saw himself, not as he was now, but as Tyung, commanding armies, making decisions that shaped nations, and loving deeply.

The emotions he experienced were overwhelming — love, loss, joy, and sorrow. Each sensation was as vivid as the colors of a painting, seeping into his very soul.

In his sleep, Taehyung's lips murmured words in an ancient tongue, words that were etched in his very essence.

The room seemed to hum with a charged energy, a connection between the past and the present, a bridge that only Taehyung could traverse in the depths of his unconsciousness.

Outside the room, the researchers exchanged worried glances, sensing the inexplicable aura that surrounded Taehyung back at the Sphinx.

Jungkook, too, felt an inexplicable pull, a sense of recognition that he couldn't put into words. he has no doubts, Taehyung is indeed Tyung. but he's yet to figure out the when's and hows.

He stood by Taehyung's bedside, watching over him with an intensity that mirrored the echoes of the past, waiting for the moment when Taehyung would wake up, and maybe, shed light on the mystery that bound them together across centuries.

Taehyung, despite the doctors' reassurances, stayed in a deep slumber, his eyes closed to the world, his mind lost in the labyrinth of his own momories.

Friends visited, their voices filled with concern, their eyes clouded with worry as they watched over their adorable and cheerful friend consumed with sleep.

Jungkook, however, was a constant presence. Every day, he'd sit by Taehyung's bedside, his gaze unwavering, his thoughts a tempestuous storm of questions and emotions.

every day he would give Taehyung company, just being there as the other slept. he refused to leave him alone, refused for Tyung to wake up and he wouldn't be there to hold his hand.

In those quiet moments, Jungkook found solace in the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, a fragile lifeline that connected Taehyung to the waking world.

He would reach out, his fingers gently tracing the lines of Taehyung's face, as if seeking a connection beyond the boundaries of consciousness.

Days turned into nights, and still, Taehyung remained lost in the recesses of his mind.

Jungkook whispered words of encouragement to the silent figure on the hospital bed, his voice impatient. longing.

He shared stories of their past, of battles fought and victories won, hoping that somewhere in the depths of Taehyung's soul, a spark of recognition would ignite.

And in those quiet moments, as the world outside carried on, Jungkook found himself entangled in a web of emotions — longing, hope, fear, and an inexplicable connection that defied all logic.

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