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Bathed in the harsh glow of the modern Egyptian sun, Jungkook emerged from the ancient tomb.

his attire was a stark contrast to the bustling cityscape that surrounded him.

The people passing by stared in disbelief, their eyes wide with astonishment at the sight of a man dressed in clothes belonged to a bygone era.

Feeling a deep sense of disorientation and confusion, Jungkook wandered the unfamiliar streets, his steps unsure until he spotted a police car parked nearby.

without much thinking, he approached the officers, desperation etched on his face.

With trembling lips, he managed to utter his name, "Jungkook," and the names of his friends, Hoseok and Namjoon.

The policeman, a stern yet compassionate figure, observed Jungkook's bewildered state and the weird clothes.

Sensing the urgency, he took Jungkook to the local police station, where they tried to piece together the mystery of the man.

Jungkook, his memories fragmented and elusive, can only provide little information.

not that they would believe him if he ever did tell them his story.

Inside the station, officers worked hard, reaching out to authorities and searching databases in hopes of identifying him.

The air was thick with tension as they made numerous phone calls, their voices hushed yet urgent.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sat on a worn-out small chair, his eyes darting around the room, trying to make sense of the modern surroundings that felt alien to him.

Finally, a breakthrough came.

they reached jungkooks family, all thanks to detective ahmed, who helped hoseok and namjoon a while ago.

The conversation was full of relief and worry, his family finally found him, their voices a blend of disbelief and gratitude.

Jungkook clung to the familiar voices on the other end of the line, finding a tiny bit of peace, and clinging to whatever source of comfort he has at the moment.



Jungkook's parents watched him carefully, their concern etched in the lines of their faces.

they were gathered in jungkooks apartment, which at the same time annoyed and helped jungkook stay sane.

His mother, her voice gentle yet laced with worry, brought up the subject that had been haunting them for a whole year.

"Jungkook, sweetheart, we've missed you so much," she started, her eyes searching his face for answers. "But something's changed. You disappeared for a whole year, and now you're so distant. You don't hang out with your friends anymore, and you spend all your time at the university or buried in your research. What exactly happened?"

Jungkook looked up from his plate of deliciously looking lasagna, obviously made by Mrs. Jeon, his eyes were guarded yet tinged with a flicker of sadness.

He offered them a small, reassuring smile, attempting to conceal the turmoil within him. "Mom and Dad, I appreciate your concern, but there are things I need to figure out. I ...had quite an unusual experience, something that changed me profoundly. I'm-- trying to understand it, to make sense of what happened."

the secret of kemet.  taekookWhere stories live. Discover now