𓆓¹¹. war against the clock

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ps: lines in bold are the language that doesn't belong to 'that time'.

for ex; this whole chapter's events happens in ancient Egypt, therefore, characters will interact with ancient Egyptian. if the lines are in bold, this means it's English.

got it? off we go.
good reading!

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In the dimly lit healers' chamber, Jungkook lay unconscious on a sturdy wooden table on his stomach, his breathing shallow and labored.

The room was infused with the soothing aroma of medicinal herbs, a sanctuary of healing amidst the chaos that had unfolded in the courtyard.

The healers, their hands steady yet filled with urgency, surrounded him, their faces etched with deep concern.

Gently, they removed Jungkook's torn garments, revealing the wound where the arrow had struck.

The sight sent shivers down their spines, for they knew the gravity of the situation. the arrow was clearly poisoned, poison, was a potent menace, its effects swift and deadly, leaving little room for hope.

With meticulous care, the healers cleaned the wound, their hands moving with practiced precision. each one doing a task, combining their efforts in a perfect synchronicity.

first, they used a soft, breviously boiled cloth soaked in a mixture of cleansing herbs and warm water, delicately wiping away the blood and poison that tainted Jungkook's skin.

The room was filled with the hushed murmurs of incantations, the healers calling upon ancient remedies and blessings to aid their efforts.

An older healer, her hands skilled and confident, prepared a concoction of rare herbs known for their potent antidotal properties.

she crushed dried leaves and roots with a mortar and pestle, she created a paste that glowed with an ethereal, healing light.

The scent of crushed herbs filled the air, mingling with the incense that wafted from a nearby burner.

With utmost care, they applied the herbal paste to the wound, the cool sensation eliciting a faint twitch from Jungkook's unconscious form.

The healers worked in unison, their movements synchronized as they carefully bound the wound with clean linen bandages, ensuring the herbal mixture seeped into the poisoned flesh.

As they continued their meticulous work, their brows furrowed in worry.

The poison was potent, its effects already evident in the pallor of Jungkook's skin and the faint tremors that coursed through his body.

Fear gnawed at the edges of their confidence, for they knew the odds were stacked against them.

"He's strong, but this poison is relentless. We must do everything in our power," one healer whispered, her voice a desperate plea for hope amidst the encroaching despair.

The lead healer, her eyes filled with determination, nodded resolutely. "We cannot falter. Prepare a poultice of the rare night-blooming flower. Its essence may counteract the poison's effects. Every moment counts." she breathed in hesitation before continuing, "samsar, you are to be responsible for draining the poison, its about time."

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