²⁹. a true love is one that is bleedin' me dry

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Amidst the grandeur of the palace, Pharaoh Imhotep's eyes scrutinized Jungkook as he approached, an unspoken question lingering in his gaze.

"Where have you been, Jungkook?" he inquired, his tone laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Tyung, seated regally on his throne, intervened smoothly, a practiced smile gracing his lips.

"Jungkook visited his family in a distant land, my father. He returned safely."

Imhotep's brows furrowed in mild disapproval. "You should have stayed by Tyung's side," he chided gently, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken fears. "What if something were to befall him in your absence?"

Jungkook's heart clenched at those words, for some reason, a vivid image of Taehyung's nightmare flashing before his eyes.

The air grew heavy with tension as he stared at Tyung, his expression a mix of protectiveness and fear.

"I won't allow any harm to come to him," he declared, his voice firm, his eyes unwavering.

Tyung met Jungkook's gaze, his eyes reflecting a strange blend of gratitude and melancholy.

He understood the depth of Jungkook's commitment, the lengths he was willing to go to protect him.

But there was a world of unspoken words lingering between them, a silent acknowledgment of the dangers that lurked in the shadows, threatening to tear them apart.

Pharaoh Tyung, stood tall and resolute, he turned to his father, his voice calm.

"Father, I must ensure the prosperity of our lands. I intend to visit the crops alone, accompanied only by Jungkook. Leading a group might draw unnecessary attention."

Imhotep hesitated, his worry evident in the lines etched on his brow. "Be cautious, both of you. The world outside these palace walls can be treacherous."

Jungkook couldn't help but smirk at Imhotep's words. He understood the unspoken truth in Tyung's decision.

Tyung wanted to keep their love and bond away from prying eyes.

Tyung's choice was not just about the safety of the kingdom but also about safeguarding their fragile moments together.

With a confident nod, Jungkook met Imhotep's gaze, his smirk fading into a determined expression.

"We will be careful, Pharaoh. Nothing will harm Tyung under my watch."

Imhotep, though hesitant, acknowledged the fierce devotion in Jungkook's eyes and nodded, a silent agreement passing between them.

As they prepared for their journey, the unspoken understanding between Tyung and Jungkook grew stronger, their love becoming a shield that would protect them from whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the face of adversity, they stood united, ready to face the world together.


Imhotep's eyes flared with rage as he read the scroll in his hand, his grip tightening around the parchment until it crumbled in his hands.

The contents had ignited a fire within him, one that threatened to consume everything in its path.

He turned to Jeymeen, his trusted advisor, and his voice resonated with the weight of his fury.

"Keep a watchful eye on Tyung and Jungkook. I want to know their every move, every word exchanged between them. Do not let them out of your sight, Jeymeen."

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