𓁶⁴. secrecy & mystery

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CAIRO - GIZA. sept 5th, 2022

Jungkook sits on his cozy balcony, bathed in the warm sunlight. He leans back on a comfortable chair, engrossed in his phone.

His brows furrow as he scrolls through various articles and websites.

"come on, there has to be something interesting out there..." he mumbled to himself. brows furring and eyes piercing in determination.

His eyes widen as he stumbles upon a certain article. titled "The Mysterious Gap in Egyptian History: The Nineteenth Dynasty Enigma." Intrigued, he clicks on it and begins reading.

He reads out how pharaohs ruled with power and grandeur. it described the bustling streets, filled with merchants and citizens going about their daily lives. their routines and beliefs.

Jungkook's eyes dart across the screen as he delves deeper into the article.

'.....Central to this historical mystery is the deliberate erasure of names and figures from ancient Egyptian records.

The remnants of the 19th Dynasty, which should be rich in detail, have been marred by an intentional obliteration of significant individuals and their achievements.

Pharaohs, queens, and other influential figures have been systematically expunged, their names carved away, and their likenesses effaced from monuments and tombs.

The Suspected Erasers: Ancient Egyptians Themselves

Scientists and researchers, delving into the depths of this historical anomaly, suspect that the perpetrators of this erasure were none other than the ancient Egyptians themselves. While it remains a subject of scholarly debate, prevailing theories suggest that these intentional acts of erasure were politically motivated or driven by a desire to obliterate the memory of individuals who had fallen out of favor with subsequent rulers.

The Motivations Behind Erasure:

Speculation abounds regarding the motivations behind these acts of historical censorship. Some experts posit that these individuals might have been considered traitors, rebels, or even heretics, leading to their systematic removal from official records. Others believe that this erasure was a form of damnatio memoriae—a condemnation of their memory, an effort to ensure that their names and achievements would be forgotten, lost in the sands of time.

The Quest for Answers:

The erasure of names and figures from the 19th Dynasty poses a tantalizing challenge to historians and archaeologists. Uncovering the truth behind these deliberate omissions has become a scholarly quest, driving researchers to explore alternative sources, such as neighboring civilizations' records and fragmented texts, in the hope of reconstructing the lost stories.

the Enduring Mystery:

As we peer into the chasm of the 19th Dynasty, we find ourselves confronted with an enduring mystery that challenges our understanding of ancient civilizations.

The deliberate erasure of names and figures remains a testament to the complex interplay of power, politics, and memory in the annals of human history.

As researchers continue to unravel the threads of this enigma, we inch closer to comprehending the motives behind these ancient acts of historical censorship, shedding light on a chapter that has long remained obscured in the sands of time...'

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