Ch. 36

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Bri's POV

"Why are yo-" I was cut off by Jack.

"Take the fucking knife!" Jack shouted.

I winced and grabbed the knife from his hand.

"Now this is very simple, just repeat after me, and follow my orders," Jack said, pulling out a camera.

"Hello, people. I am Brianna Smith and I am at Hightown Hospital in Toronto. I was sent here because I have been depressed and I have decided to cut my arms," Jack said.

I repeated what he said, sounding very scared.

"Now, you will be seeing me, Brianna Smith, doing something that I have been wanting to do my whole life," Jack said, aiming the camera and gun at me.

I repeated what he said, the fear in my voice really noticeable.

"Shawn, if you're seeing this, I just want you to know that I've been in love with Matthew and I will always be in love with Matthew."

I repeated, quietly.

"This whole time I have been lying to you and I have been going behind your back to hook up with Matthew, only to cover up the marks with the ones I put on my body, as you can see."

I repeated, very slowly, and hesitant on the words.

"I will never love you and I never have. And now, I will prove it."

I repeated.

"If you don't come and save me, raise the knife, I will do something you will regret. You have 5 hours. Don't waste it," Jack said.

And I did and said what he told me. Then, he sent the video to my phone, and sent the video to everyone in my contact list.


"Brianna," Jack said, his voice making me jump.

"Yes?" I said, my voice trembling.

He walked over to me, and said, "You're very hot when you're scared, but I'm afraid that I have to do my job."

"What?" I asked.

He connected his lips with mine. I struggled and finally pushed him away.

"Oh now you get it," Jack said.

He grabbed my wrist connected to the hand that was holding the knife, making me wince, and jerked my arm right under my chin.

"If you do anything else, I swear I will cut your throat, and I'm not afraid of killing somebody. No follow my orders or else I will kill you," Jack said, pulling he knife away on the last word.

My body was trembling. Tears were forming in my eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Because, if I don't, Matthew will, and it'll be a little more abusive than I am," Jack said.

Save Me (Shawn Mendes)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin