The Car Note

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Saturday Morning

Erica's POV

Good Morning Dr.Ellis have a great day see you tomorrow one of the front desk nurses said.

Thank you Gabby you have a great day as well see you tomorrow night I say as I'm leaving the hospital I walk to my car and realized that someone left a note there that read "Your Husband a dog be carful with him".

I'm too tired to deal with this stuff right now imma wait til I come back tomorrow night and ask security to run the cameras so I can see who put that there and why.

As I get in the car I connected the Bluetooth to the car and started playing some pick me up music.

Do you knowwww

You put me under, somehow I wonder! How do you know!

How i feel when you're around me, I can't control it how do you know?

I swear this song by Total still go hard it's always the beat for me. I pull off and make my way home so I can get some well deserved sleep it's been a long night.

While I'm singing to the tunes Devale calls me

Devale- Wassup baby? Good morning.

Good Morning baby what you doing up so early?

Devale- Just made you some breakfast now bout to head to the gym you know ya man gotta keep these abs and muscles right for you .

You're so sweet baby thank you for making me breakfast and yeah that body gonna look even sexier when you swear glistening and what not.

Devale - haha baby you a fool but I don't want you talking and driving so I will see you later make sure you eat Erica and get rest I love you baby be safe.

Thank you baby I love you too and you be safe as well!

The call hangs up I go back to vibing as I'm pulling up to our Home

Devale is an Actor and former nfl player so he is always in the gym working out and booked and paid. As for me I'm a Gospel singer as well as a Licensed Medical Doctor but not too many people know that I prefer working in a hospital than being on a stage the OR is my Stage.

I been married to Devale for 3yrs and it's been a lot of ups and downs more so ups but now it's like the downs are over powering.

He becomes more discreet, he still comes home on time but I truthfully feel like something isn't right. I walk into our home and turned the alarm off shut the door and set it again I went to the warmer and seen that there was breakfast but It looked store bought and just placed nicely on the plate.

That man of mine is something. I really am curious as to who put that note on my car though I ate some of the food and discarded it.

I walk up to our bedroom and went to the bathroom and showered and did my facial and oral hygiene. Once I was done I sat on the bed wrapped in my towel and just laid back to collect my thoughts. I was thinking so hard that my eyes ended up shut and Sleep took over.

Later that day

Phone ringing.....

I wake up and see that it's 1:30pm
Damn I slept so good ugh my phone starts ringing again I look at the caller ID and it's Tina

Good afternoon Tina what do you want?

Well hello there dear sister she says and I wanted to see if you wanted to hang with Goo and I we gonna hit the mall and grab lunch rudeness

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