Why the Sudden change?

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Erica's POV

"Hey baby how was work?" I asked Kierra as she came in the door placing her bag on the counter.

"It was long baby I'm glad it's over how was your day my love" she says as she leans in to give me my kisses.

My day was good I wrote some more for my album and cleaned up around here and talked to my sisters and mom and waiting for my beautiful gf to come home.

"Sounds like my baby had a long day. Well how bout you come with me and take a nice bath and relax" she says as she grabs my hand and leads me to our bedroom.

I sat on the chair in our room and decided to strip down and put my robe on as Ki fills the tub and remove her clothes and jewelry.

She lit some candles and once she was done with her clothes and jewelry removal she went and turned the water off. I got up and walked in the bathroom she was already in the tub but waited for me to take my robe off and helped me in the tub.

I rested my head on her chest while she massaged my shoulders. "So baby what do you think Hondo wants to talk about?" I asked

"Ugh he was bold as hell for coming to the hospital secondly he must be trying to get in on our good graces because he either wants to be in the baby's life or Nichelle gave him a ultimatum."

He hasn't tried to be a dad before so why now and the princess isn't even born? I say rolling my eyes.

"Baby you are the parent of this baby you been claiming bean since you found out about her. He can't take her or me away from you I promise you that but we have to hear him out because he is the father sadly. Know this Erica you are our life i bet you bottom dollar that what ever this clown nigga planning it will be temporary."

I closed my eyes and allowed the water and the sound of her reassurance calm me I just want him and this divorce to get tf on.

After a while we washed up and got into the bed and cuddled until Ki fell into her slumber. I lay rubbing her belly feeling my Pooh kick i can't wait til she's here 2nd trimester complete. 

I want to get baby a push gift but I can't seem to decide right now I'll hit up Sham and also get my mom and sisters input on what to get her til then I'm going to rest my eyes to prepare for what tomorrow will bring.

Kierra POV

I wake up feeling guarded I look over to my right and Erica is darn near sleeping under me to the point her and my belly are face to face. 

I hate that she has so much stress on her with the album, divorce, me and Bean I want to take some of the stress off her I want her to feel light as a feather.

I completed my second trimester now I need to pick a baby name, pack a bag for Bean,Erica and I and get ready for maternity leave.

Truthfully I'm ready to hang up my white coat I want to be here for my baby and the way I work is a lot to deal with especially having a new born.

Today I go back home I need to straighten up my house and handle this Hondo situation once Erica wakes up I'm going to ask her a reasonable time to have this meeting and we can go from there. I make my way out the bed well Atleast trying to big ol belly I feel E get up to help me up out the bed I'm guessing she felt me struggling i laugh to myself.

"Good Morning baby let me help you up I know you have to go to the bathroom" she says with her eyes low. " Thank you baby I appreciate you so much now go lay back down I can make it to the bathroom I said to her.

I look down and see my ankles swollen lord this baby gave me cankles i say out loud and Erica stared laughing. That's not funny see she slowing me down already.

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