We'll get there when we cross it!

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Erica POV

Alarm goes off

I was sleeping so good until the alarm went off I look at the time and it 7:15am.

I stretch out first and then last nights meet up with Ki played in my head. I can't wait to hang out with her later.

I got out the bed and headed to the bathroom after I finished using the toilet and flushed I washed my hands and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Once I was done with my morning hygiene I picked out a pants suit to wear for My conference.

Hopefully if I have enough time I can pop in Ki's conference since she's demonstrating a new technique.

Once I finally laid everything out I showered and got dressed. I skipped breakfast cause I wasn't hungry at the moment.

Cardio Thoracic Conference

I'm sitting here trying not to pull my hair out this one guy sitting next to me keeps talking to me about things that have nothing to do with this conference. I hope he's not trying to flirt and if so he needs to stop while he's ahead.

After 2hrs have passed and I finished taking notes we ended up being dismissed early thank goodness cause I was ready to bust a snooze. I'd rather listen to Bill Nye the science guy than this.

I packed up my stuff and decided to see which conference room Kiki was in which didn't take me long cause I seen one of my old coworkers going in as well until he looked back and spotted me too and greeted me and made some small talk.

"Are you coming to see the Neuro Conference"? The singer/Dr. Kierra Sheard is showing a new Closing technique for Brain Surgeries.

That sounds amazing! " yes that's actually where I'm going now" I say to him.

Cool well you're in the right place come on let's go in.

Neuroscience Conference

"Good afternoon I'm Dr.Kierra Sheard"

Once she said that everybody started clapping as she smiled.

"Thank you all for the love but we are here to learn about the Brain it's activities when functioning and it's weakness when it's suffering"

We all know the human brain isn't fully formed until the age of 25 and also the brain consists 86 billion neurons. The information the brain receives moves 268 miles per hour pretty cool right?

Now let's get into the brain when it's not functioning properly.

When one eye pupil is bigger than the other there could be possible brain issues as well as nerve issues

I want you all to look at this brain closely and tell me what do you see wrong with it?

A young woman raised her hand.

"Yes Dr.Scorceon" what do you see wrong here? Kierra said.

The brain is bruised which mean it has taken a major hit to it which shows the swelling also around it. That is correct! We all clapped then settled down.

"Now if we look at the brain which body function will be affected?"

I decided to raise my hand I felt a little bold!

"Well look at that we have another Singer and Cardio Surgeon in the room she says while smiling Welcome Dr.Atkins" what body functions will be affected due to the swelling and bruising?

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's the Broca area which is the left of the frontal lobe which means the speech will be affected mostly". I said looking around nervously while everybody staring and then looked back at kierra.

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