The voicemail that led to the letter.

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Nobody's POV

Kierra and Erica landed back home in Detroit safely they went to the grocery store first then headed home. As they pulled into the the drive way they turned off the car and got out. Erica went to go open Kierra's door "come on Soon to be Mrs.Sheard-Atkins she says while grabbing Kierra's hand, "thank you Soon to be Mrs.Sheard-Atkins. They chose to keep the Sheard-Atkins name due to Kaziah's last name being that and they didn't feel like the whole name change thing.

They both grabbed their bags and took them up the steps then went back down to get the groceries and bring thing up the steps Kierra unlocked the door and was met with a bunch of mail at the entrance. She picked it up and placed it on the table then proceeded to bringing the bags in. Erica put the luggage near the steps and then she and Ki put the groceries away once they were done Erica then decided to take the luggage upstairs and shower before putting her and Ki's things away.

Kierra's POV

Erica went up to shower so while she does that I'm going to check the mail. As I go through the mail I spot a letter that had no return address nor name I inspected the envelope before opening it by holding it up to the light and I seen that there was just a letter "shoot now a days you gotta be careful remember we did have that anthrax scare."

I opened the letter and started to read and as I read I was livid even heart broken

"Dear Kierra I have tried many times to contact you but straight to voicemail your phone went I left you a voice mail to call me back but you never did so I'm leaving this letter before you read please know that I am extremely sorry for the hurt and trauma I caused You,Erica and Kaziah.

The day of your accident I was on my way to the baby shower even though you didn't want me there I felt like I deserved to be there because that's our baby so my friend and I were on our way there and he was speeding and crashed into you and Erica we didn't know that it was you and Erica until I seen the ambulance putting you on the stretcher and Erica frantically screaming for you.

Instead of us staying we fled the scene and I went home and changed my clothes and checked myself for injuries so I sat in the house watching tv like nothing ever happened. I been having nightmares and I can no longer live with this guilt please know that I am sorry to you Erica and Kaziah I'm sorry for being a jealous and scandalous man by time you see this I will be long gone but with this proof do as you will -Shamar"

As I finished reading I screamed and broke down crying how could he he almost made me lose my life and my baby this hurts so bad. As I continue to cry Erica runs down the steps "baby what's wrong? Why you crying? I continued to ball my heart out I was so hurt and in shock I just got up and dropped the paper and went to our room and cried I cried for me I cried for Kaziah and Erica I cried for what I been through and the fact the haven't solved who it was and the whole time it's the father of my child this is Beyond sick. I don't wish this pain on anyone.

Erica's POV

I heard Kierra scream so I jumped and put my robe on and ran downstairs just to see her balling her eyes out holding a letter. "Baby what's wrong? Why you crying?" I asked her but she dropped the letter and went upstairs as she still cried I normally don't read no one's mail but I needed to fix whatever was wrong with my baby.

As I read the letter my eyes got big are you fucking serious? This is fucking diabolical how can someone do some shit like this! I'm angered I ran upstairs and seen baby cried herself to sleep so I quickly and quietly got dressed and grabbed my keys leaving out the room to head to my car I called JDrew as I was getting in the car to head to this bastards house.

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