Here for a good time not a long time!

476 21 14

Nobody's POV

It's almost time for Ki to get ready for her show and she is kinda in a rut, but she decided to call her brother .

JDrew: Wassup Ki?

Nothing much I'm a lil down but I'll get over it I just needed to hear your voice to make me feel better.

JDrew: Awww Ki you know I don't like prying in your business, but I'm sure whatever it is you will tell me when your ready. But what I want you to do is to get your game face on tonight is all about you singing the caps off the crowd and enjoying yourself!

I hate that I won't be there with you but you got this I love you Ki keep ya head up!

Thank you so much brother I appreciate you for this it means a lot and I love you too! I won't let you down or mommy! But peep this!

She gonna say to me that Ezra better play like he you or it's gonna be some smoke in the city I say to him while laughing.

Yooo I bet she had her serious face on but was laughing too wasn't she 😂😂😂

You know it! She says while laughing at her brother impersonating their mom.

Ki it's time for make up and wardrobe Sham says to her.

Ok I'm coming, I have to go big head I'll call you later after the show. And be safe out there sir!

Ok bet and I will and you be safe too!

They hung up and Ki went to get her make up done and get dressed.

Before her show starts Hondo calls her and tried to convince her to hear him out but sadly Ki didn't answer cause he's blocked.
(That's what ya punk ass get) writers thoughts lol

It is now showtime and Ki is looking stunning as always.

Karen decided to talk to Ezra and give him some words of encouragement since this is his first time Playing for Ki.

Ezra took a deep breath and started the opening and the rest of the band starts playing. Kierra sang all of her songs with nothing but love and joy.

The crowd started going crazy when she brought Karen up to sing "Something has to break" the crowd lost it.

Once they were done singing Karen stayed holding Ki hand while she was ministering to the crowd there was not a dry eye in sight.

After she left the stage the crew broke down the sets and Kierra went home.

Kierra's Residence

While at home trying to get settled Ki decided to have some wine and a nice bath with candles lit and some r&b playing.

45minutes later Ki showered after her bath and then decided to settle in bed and watch Waiting to Exhale and scroll through social media.

I think imma get a new tattoo she says to herself.

After finding and booking an artist Ki grabbed some more wine and grabbed a book called "The Silhouette" and she read until she fell asleep.

Erica POV

It's been a couple days since that foolishness with Devale.

I decided to keep myself occupied by packing early for this conference next week Tuesday will be here before you know and I know that I'm always last minute packing so why not start now.

I'm going to take myself out to eat tonight and tomorrow I'm going to the movies and Sunday of course church.

My Sisters came to stay with me a few days which was amazing but yet emotional cause I blamed myself for so much shit especially when it comes to Devale cheating.

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