The Past & Present

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Nobody's POV

The door bell rang at the Atkins-Sheard household and Kierra gave Kaziah to Erica before she went to answer the door.

"Who is it?" Kierra asked

"Your favorite sister Inlaw" goo said outside the door.

Kierra opens the door to let Goo Goo in the house who also was standing there with their sister Tina.

"Ki Ki!!! heyyyy boo you looking good!" Tina said hugging Kierra

"Thank you T baby and y'all look amazing as well I feel like I haven't seen you both in forever"

Kierra and the sisters walked into the living room where their sister sat with their niece watching tv as Erica was playing with the baby's feet.

"Hi sister! Hi niecy pooh!" Goo said grabbing the baby from off the couch.

"Look at her she looks so cute just like her auntie" Tina chimed in grabbing Kaziah hand.

"Girl please she cute like her mommy yall alright lookin" Erica said

"Ummmm you look just like us so that means you alright looking too" Tina said

Yeah yeah yeah but my baby think I'm sexy" Erica said pulling Kierra onto her lap.

Tina's POV

"So what brings you by?" Kierra asked with Erica attention as well on them

"Well we wanted to tell you that we are officially moving here to Detroit!!!" goo goo said with excitement

"Wait what you serious? What about mommy?" Erica said

She's coming too actually she was already thinking about it before I even brought it up." Goo said

" Also we felt like all the back and forth was a lot because now there's  a baby and we want to be around her more and we be missing your stankin tail too" Goo continued

"Awwww I'm so happy to hear this because baby use to complain that she doesn't see y'all often and that she wants Kaziah to know both of her aunties and grandparents" Kierra said

""Plussss we can hang together and y'all can have y'all sisterly bond back" Kierra said before kissing Erica forehead.

"Listen I can't wait for the hangouts, sleep overs, fun etc we are going to have a time"

We definitely going to have a time cause we haven't hung out in a minute. Erica said

"Wait a minute where is mommy? Erica asked.

"Now you know that her besties are here so she with them sisters she surprised them letting them know the news and we all know they are going to have a time." Goo said and we all laughed

Cause the way our mother is and Kierra's aunts especially Jackie and Dorinda they will be around each other as much as possible. Goo said and we said in sync "facts"

"So where is your corny ass baby daddy sissy?" I asked taking Kaz from her auntie

"Chile I heard he woke up dead" Erica said in a nonchalant tone.

"Waittttt are you kidding? thats wild" welp thats sad I guess" I said as we all burst out in laughter.

"Anyway what have you two lovebirds been up to?"

"Work, being mom's, and just loving on one another as much as possible." Erica said as she pecked kierra lips three times.

"Ewwww yall two nasty gonna mess around and have a baby doll"

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