One Year Later!

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One year later

Nobody's POV

Erica and Kierra wedding was beautiful until they got to the part of whether to speak now or forever hold their peace and one of their friends jokingly stood up and Kierra cousins pulled out their pistols now the joke was on him

Time has passed and they are happier than ever they enjoyed their honey moon in Morocco and Kierra started therapy and conquered her goal the two have decided to try for a second baby but they both are trying to figure out a way to do it they aren't sure whether to go the old fashion way or to do Ivf or possibly adopt

Erica is away on tour for her I love you album and it's going amazing she is performing in Detroit tonight and Kierra is excited to see her wife and Erica is excited to see her wife and daughter as well.

Erica's POV

I have been away on tour for a month and a half now and it has been nothing but joy blessing the people! I have seen a few of my industry family and friends as well as creating new memories.

The only reason I am kinda sad is because I miss my wife and daughter it feels like forever since I seen them even though we FaceTime and talk on the phone I miss holding my princess and loving on my wife especially the cuddles so I can sleep at night.

I am currently getting ready for my show tonight here in Detroit which I will see everyone my wife,my daughter,my mother, siblings and other family and friends. Did I mention Toni and Janet moved to Detroit as well we have been inseparable since.

Toni is now 6 months pregnant and she and Kierra just be going crazy with the baby shopping. Janet is getting ready to start her summer tour which I know will be dope we definitely going to be attending a few shows.

Toni is still singing as well but she has decided to just write her music and record some until the baby comes plus she will be with Janet in the beginning of her tour which is cute shoot I wish Kierra was able to be with me but we have a kid and Kierra is also a doctor and gave up singing to pursue what she loves which is that scalpel.

We will be soon trying for another baby but I told Kierra we can do that once I'm done with my tour I don't want to not be available for her and also I want to be at my baby appointments and birth shoot I already missed my princess first steps I was stressed but the house camera caught it so that made me happy Kierra literally cried and now little miss be on the go.

Soon there was a knock on my dressing room door and I got up to see who it was
"Who is it?" I asked standing at the door before opening it

"Girl if you don't open this door and hug your best friend"

I swung the door open and immediately was met with a big hug from Janet

"Jan you came I'm so happy! you look cute girl!"

"Chile I wouldn't miss it for the world plus you know I love to hear you sing" she smiled and went to sit on the couch

"Wait where's Toni?"

"Is that even a question? she is with your wife shoot I'm starting to feel like they married they be gone and I just be at home looking around." We both laughed

Cause those two do be acting like they go together which is fine cause they click so well.

"I should have known so are you excited your about to be a new mommy?" I sat on the couch beside her.

"Truthfully E I'm kind of scared because this is all new for me and then on top of that I am getting ready to go on tour and I don't want Toni going into labor or nothing like that. She will be with me for the first few shows but then she will have to stay home and I don't want her to be alone." She ran her fingers through her hair and sat back on the couch

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