It's Go Time

233 11 15

J Drew POV

I made my way home after talking to my family about Erica finding Levi and having the drop on where Hondo could possibly be also now the cops are involved my parents want me to allow him to live beings tho killing his as is too easy but I'm most definitely going to find him and beat the shit out of him until I see fit.

I pull up to my crib but see that my lights are on so that can only be one person.

"Hey handsome you missed me?" she says while walking to me and placing a kiss upon my lips.

"Hell yeah I missed you even though it's only been a few hours seems like we been out all day" she grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen

"I made lunch come eat and for snack you can have me" she says while looking at me seductively.

"Ok baby let me wash my hands"

I go wash my hands and head back to the dining room and i see the lights are dim and the candles are lit it's gonna be amazing evening I'm taking it as.

"Damn baby you went into your romance bag I like that"

"I sure did baby we spent way too many years away from each other we have so much catching up and making up to do" she says

I pull her chair out so she can sit down and then I sit in my seat and we pray over the food before we eat.

"Saniyah I just want to say that these last few weeks have been amazing it's like we were back like we never left, like we picked up where we left off. I hate that we got separated due to reasons but your back and my kids love you, my family loves you and Skylar loves being around me and the family I feel like we were meant to be back together"

"Awwww baby I swear it's like you were reading my mind you make me so happy and Skylar I'm just happy we back in touch soooo let's enjoy this meal and imma show you exactly what you been missing out on daddy" she says before planting a kiss on me.

She made Porter house steak for me and lobster for her with her famous garlic potatoes and asparagus I'm bout to tear down on this food and on her.

Erica POV

Today has been a long day but I will say we got out some we went to eat and we went to the mall and brought baby girl some clothes and got Ki a new phone and changed her number.

It's nice seeing my baby in a normal space cause seeing her checked out had me worried but I'm still gonna link with J drew to find Hondo and get my few licks in then the cops can have him.

We talked to the family and Ki decided she does not want him dead but she does want him in jail even though it's not gonna be for long but still death is too easy for him she said. But she doesn't know that he will be in jail for a long long long time beings though Levi revealed to the cops that Hondo has 3 body's on his hand as well as false identity.

"Baby what you over there thinking about?" She asked me rubbing the back of my neck

I'm just happy about our family and our marriage so much greatness is coming baby and I get to spend the rest of my life with you and our little girl. "Aww baby you are the absolute love of my life you make life better and better"she says as she planted a kiss on my lips at the red light.

About 30 minutes ago we arrived home it's a little after 6 and Ki went to shower while I sat on the couch playing with my princess.

"Your mamas princess aren't you? Huh pooh?"
She just looking at me cracking a smile with her gorgeous self she is definitely a splitting image of Kierra.

As I continue you play with the baby I waited for Ki to come down so I can get her lunch ready for her shift tonight. I can't wait until life is back to normal I be so over people and this drama with Hondo dusty ass!

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