What a coincidence!

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2 months later

Kierra POV

After being in the hospital for two months after the accident I have finally been able to go home and I'm so happy!

Erica has been amazing being mommy and wifey even though we aren't engaged or married but y'all know how I'm coming. She has done everything from waking up with the baby, helping me bathe, helping me with my physical therapy just loving on me and Bean and I am grateful for her.

So I decided that I want to make it official and propose now that she's officially divorced and living under one roof despite the circumstances I'll choose her forever and always.

Hondo has been stepping up as a dad he comes over and gets Bean for a few days to give Erica a break which i love the fact they are becoming cordial.

I can't wait to get this damn arm together so i can pick up my baby on my own and hold her i am able to hold her just not without assistance I have started breast feeding and she latched our first try. She's getting so big before my eyes. She's officially 3 months now and has the best village to help raise her.

My parents are so in love with bean and Doo is loving being an uncle finally and don't get me started on Kali and Jacob they be ready to tussle of Ziah lol. Of course god mom Sham spoils her little baby as well as T and Goo and Mama Honey listen i don't know who worse her or Mommy i just can't I laugh to myself.

Right now i am currently sitting on the couch bored cause no one is here yet im not alone the house keeper is here as well she's awesome I'm just waiting for Mommy to come cause Erica had to return back to work today and the baby is sleeping. So it's just me watching tv because that's all i can do until a thought came to look at engagement rings.

I try to ease my self over slowly to grab the laptop with my hands but the left hand is not doing what i need it to do. I finally grip the computer and slide it towards me fully and open it "dang that was a process" i said out loud and i heard mommy laughing coming in the living room.

"I'm proud of you ki you got on your own even with struggle you didn't give up" Mom said. You were watching me the whole time? I asked.
"Yes I was but I was going to assist you if you dropped it" she stated as she walked towards the couch to sit next to me.

"What were you gonna search for?" She asked. Well mommy I want to propose to Erica we don't have to get married right away but she literally is doing everything a spouse would do in a marriage. She could have left me and bean and did her own thing especially with me being in the hospital so long and she's officially divorced from Devale so why not make it official!

"Awwww Ki this is exciting you know we all support you and Erica I'm excited!" Mom says smiling hard. Would you like to help me look for rings? "I would be honored pooh pooh" she says giving me a hug.

We spent a few hours finding the perfect ring and we contacted Mom and dads jeweler Malachi and he's going to bring a few over tomorrow while Erica is at work and mom is gonna come back and help create my vision.

It's now 4:00 and Erica should be walking in the door any minute dinner will be ready by 5:30 since my arm is messed up and I'm not to stand long due to my injury but mom has definitely been a big help.  The baby began to cry so mommy went and got her for me so I could nurse her she checked in us periodically. I had bean in my right arm and slowly work my left arm over my right to cradle her and i must say I'm proud of myself despite the pain i did it.

I couldn't stop staring at her she just sleeping so peacefully I leaned my head back and shut my eyes for a second knowing Ziah is secured in my arms.

Erica's POV

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