This isn't Happening!

422 20 12

Erica POV

Today Tina and I are gonna start rehearsing songs we will sing for the stellars and I'm so excited to be back behind the mic.

While I'm sitting on the stool waiting for Tina to come back from the bathroom I decided to start vocal warm ups.

Listening to myself sing and feeling the joy behind that mic made me think about getting back in the studio whether it's solo or with my sister.

The door opens and Tina walks in and jumped right into the harmony of me warming up.

I swear when Tina and I are singing it's like it brings our sisterhood closer and I love that for us.

We been rehearsing two weeks now and the show is next month but I'm supposed to be popping up to go see Kierra cause I found out from a little Birdy (Shamika) that she's performing with her mom and aunties.

These last two weeks have been crazy from Devale keep popping up at the house just sitting in his car to me listening to Kiki and these symptoms she been having seems to me that her blood level could be low or pregnant.

If she is I can't feel no type of way because we weren't dating nor talking at the time but I'm hoping that she becomes at peace with whether she is or isn't.

She took the test the other day but I haven't really spoken to her. I'm starting to think she is but we shall see when she calls.

We stopped warming up and started rehearsing "Go Get it"

"It's like looking through a telescope
You see where you gonna be!

Growin gettin better, you not the person they see!

Can't be mad at the things you been through cause they built your muscle!

Now you stronger than you ever been they can't stop your hustle!

Your faith ain't never small, that's what brought you this far!

Yeah! see you got your dreams and your got your prayers and your got your god he gonna talk you there!

See everybody has a season and I believe this one's yours!

Cause you been working, waiting this what you been praying for!

Go get it ! Go get it! Go get it!
Go Get your blessings

Go it! go get it! go get it!
Get your blessings!

It's your tiiiiime, it's your tiiiiiime!!!
Said it's your tiiiiiime it's your tiiiimeee! "

We continued to sing our songs that's we were going to perform and we then decided it was a wrap for the day.

Tina and I wanted hibachi for lunch but before we went we waited for Goo to get here so we can all go.

Finally Goo gets here and we head to her car since it's our treat she's gonna drive.

While we were on our way when had carpool karaoke and it was hilarious there were songs playing that we haven't even heard of but when made up words to song!

As we are playing around My phone vibrated.

Text from KVS👩🏽‍⚕️💛🤞🏽
"Hey Gorgeous thinking about you I know we haven't talked but there's so much I'm taking in right now I'm nervous ,but you definitely were on my mind Please call me when you are free😘"

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