A change is going to come!

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Nichelle's POV

The Gender reveal was beautiful Kierra and Erica are expecting a baby girl I just know she's going to be gorgeous.

Finally on our way home from Kierra's house bout to fully prepare myself for this damn conversation with Hondo.

Kierra/Erica's  family was so welcoming to me and baby girl. I met The Clark Sisters and Mary Mary well Erica and Tina Atkins and their mother and sister Goo Goo they all were so sweet i thoroughly enjoyed myself and so did Skylar she lovesss Erica she just couldn't stay away from her and Kierra was so sweet with her and the little ones were so cute interacting.

Finally I pull up and get up out my head.  I turned the car off and grabbed Skylar and headed in the house. Soon as we got in Hondo comes down the stairs grabbing sky helping take her shoes off.

Thank you I got her.

"Baby can we talk when she's down and you're settled?" He questioned.

Sure, but know this I am not pleased I stated as I got up to bathe Skylar.

After getting myself and Skylar situated I decided to have a mental talk to myself about this situation with Hondo.

I walked downstairs and there he was sitting on the couch watching basketball manspread like ain't shit happened. I walked up behind him and mugged him "How the fuck could you Shamar?

He jumps up pleading "baby listen I'm so sorry she meant nothing to me she was just a fling you were always tired from being a mother and taking care of the house and other things my needs weren't fulfilled and I did the worse thing by seeking them else where." He says thinking I believe him.

Sure she was a fling Mar! That woman is not fling material! I screamed. She is beautiful, a queen and the sweetest woman I have ever met besides her family you literally sitting up here in my fucking face making it seem like she meant nothing? Are you sick? She meant a lot I seen the messages how pressed you were even after she kept ignoring you.

You got that woman pregnant and basically abandoned her! Your sick! You need fucking help how dare you do that to someone shit if I didn't know any better you would have probably done the same to me if we weren't married I know you!

While I'm going off on his ass he standing there stuck just like I knew he would see he didn't expect me to take up for Kierra but guess what that's my child's sister's mother and also a new found friend.

Hondo I just don't understand how could you cheat on me not only that get someone else pregnant, have two phones and thought this wasn't gonna come to light?

"Baby I fucked up big time with you,Sky and being in my new child's life.  I am going to make things right with everyone I will do whatever you want me to do but please don't leave please don't take Sky I'm begging you! He pleads.

Hondo some things you need to figure out on your own literally I can't help you, but I hate that I will always love you and that I can't leave you no matter how bad I want to but because i took these vows before god, our family and friends  you definitely owe everyone an apology and if you think you going anywhere near Kierra or her baby you better be prepared cause her brother is on your ass like white on rice so be prepared for the consequences cause he might just catch you when I'm not around.

We continued to talk he saying he's going to be a man and correct his wrongs he will be sleeping in the guest room until I'm ready for him to be back in our marital bed. I won't hold my breath on his change but I'm also not going to dismiss it all i can say is we shall see.

Erica's POV

Baby!!!! I yell to Ki as I'm folding the laundry while downstairs sitting on the couch.

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