We good without You!

430 21 4

Hondo POV

"Alright baby I'm leaving for work" I yell up the steps to Nichelle.

"Ok babe don't forget we have reservations at 8"

"Got it"

I get in the car and scroll through my playlist to set my mood for the day.

Hopefully it's not a crazy day cause yesterday we had one of our own turn his badge and gun in because he accidentally shot an innocent bystander during a on foot chase.

Kierra has been on my mind a lot lately but it's my fault I don't know what I was thinking to ever persue her knowing I am married.

That woman heart is really pure cause she could have easily ruined my family and I would not have been mad at her I would be mad at myself.

I stopped at a red light and my phone began to ring and speaking of the devil they shall appear it's Kierra!

I picked up quick "Hello Ki?"

"Hey Shamar we need to talk when are you free?" She asks.

I take lunch at 4 are you available then?

"Yes come to my house around 4." She said in low tone.

Ok I will be there I promise.

And Ki?

"Yeah?" She replied

I'm sorry.


Dang she really hates me. I get it ,but now I'm curious why she wants to talk maybe she giving me another chance well I hope.

I get to work and head to the locker room switching into uniform I hope she okay.

beep beep beep beep.., our pagers going off.

"Alright it's time! let's roll don't forget to stay liquid" I say as we pulled off in Black Betty.

Erica POV

Hey baby how are you feeling today?

"I'm good today love just a little morning sickness" she says.

Ok have you eaten?

"I'm about to make breakfast now I want some eggs, toast and Turkey bacon so that's what little bean and I will have." She says with joy on her face.

That sounds good baby. I don't know what I want it's only 7:15 I will probably have some coffee I have a few things to do today especially I go see my lawyer later as well.

"Coffee sounds so good I want to make me some too!" She says pouting.

Kierra! Now you know you shouldn't be drinking it!

"Baby it's just one pleaseeeee?" She says whining.

No ma'am maybe after your First appointment. 

Ok love Ugh apple juice it is.

Just for you baby I will drink some apple juice too!

Your so sweet love you don't have to drink apple juice too.

I start laugh good cause I don't have none here baby

We both started laughing.

"So baby I called Shamar this morning and told him we need to talk." she says with direct eye contact.

Oh really? What did he say?

"He said he will be here by 4 then proceeded to tell me he was sorry and I hung up."

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