Can things go any worse?

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Nobody's POV

The Atkins and Sheard family are pacing the floors waiting for updates on Kierra and Erica after a few moments of waiting the doctor came out.

"Family of Erica Atkins?"

"Yes that's us" they answered as the rushed over to the doctor.

"Hello I'm doctor Smith and I'm Erica's doctor she has sustained some minor bruising on her face but has pulled a muscle in her neck so she does have on a neck brace. She has a couple of bruised ribs but she is in stable condition."

"What about Kierra Sheard?" Karen asked That's my daughter is she alive?

I'm sorry ma'am I'm actually not her doctor but I'm sure someone will be out shortly to update you but if the Atkins family would like, you can see Erica we will keep her over night for observations.

"Yes we would like to see her" Ms.Honey says.

"Ok follow me this way." Dr.Smith announced.

As the family walk through the halls they see nurses with tears in their eyes the family gaze through the hallways checking to see Erica or Kierra but no sight. Karen stayed back to wait for her husband as JDrew went to check on Erica to ease his mind some.

As they approached Erica's room they seen she was awake but out of it.

Goo Goo POV

We finally get to Erica's room and to see her down is wild I hate that we have no news on Kiki especially to tell Erica once she asks.

"Hey E we all say once she sees us she starts to cry. "It's my fault we got hurt because of me" is Kierra alive? Is our baby?" She asked with glossy hopeful eyes. Baby we haven't heard anything about Ki or the baby, Karen is out there waiting for a doctor and Bishop went to pray I'm guessing once he heard the news of you both he got up and left and knowing him he went to find a sanctuary. Mama says to her.

We all embraced Erica with love because she's going to need it more than anything.

"Hey guys I'm going back out there my mom just called she said the doctor is there about Ki I'll be back" JDrew says he hugged and kissed Erica forehead and ran off.


I hurried through the halls and seen my parents and the doctors

"My son is here now I'm ready Karen says"

"Well Mr and Mrs. Sheard Ki has sustained a few injuries, her brain has swelled due to the aneurysm in her brain which caused bleeding on the brain. We need permission to remove it but after we remove it she will be in a induced coma. We have been trying to stop her contractions so we can operate also she has a broken arm, a fractured collarbone ,and she broke her leg, the doctors are trying to do everything to keep Kierra and her baby alive but push comes to shove we believe the best thing is to take the baby out so we can keep her heart rate steady.

Karen: you have our permission to do the brain surgery also we have to talk to Erica about the baby she's the guardian of the child as well so can we all just go see Erica like now i need y'all to fix my baby.

Dr.Shepherd: Yes the quicker the better for both the mom and baby.

Erica's POV
I'm scared to hear about the news of Kierra and the baby I just need them to be okay everything happened so fast I know I had my signal on , I also had the green light and that other driver came out of no where.

I'm laying here in my thoughts listening to my mom and sisters talk but i just can't bring myself to say anything until a Doctor walked in with Mr.&Mrs. Sheard and J drew.

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