A glass of Wine and It's Showtime!

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Erica POV

As I am standing in my bedroom I'm looking around in disbelief this man really tried to play with me in the words of Monica he should have known better!

Now I have to go downstairs and get my phone so I can call my sisters and tell them what just went the hell down Bul really a clown for that Like I'm way to beautiful and smart to allow somebody to play with me in that manner he lucky I didn't give him a hot one I really wasn't going to I wanted to scare them.

I called the Group FaceTime and Goo answered first.

Goo: Hey Sisterrrr!

She sees the look on my face and starts laughing.

Goo: Waaaiit what happened?

Chile I need Tina to get on already so i can spill this piping hot tea shoot just call me the Kettle cause I'm tf steamin!

As I was talking Tina popped in.

Tina: Hey Baby talk and Mary No Martha

We all laughed.

You so stupid I said while laughing. Tina no time for jokes y'all why the hell I come home from and this clown had the nerve to have this girl in our bed sucking on him?

Tina: Wait what!  E I know you lying!

Goo: Where the hell he at? His ass is grass!

Tina I'm so serious I pulled out miss pain and told him that he got 10 seconds to get out or imma put a hot one right through him soon as I got to 5 he was gone! Just call that nigga Casper cause he was freakin ghost!

Tina: Oh I knew you still had it in you sister ok I see you thug passion.

Goo: not thug passion I'm hollerin Tina you on a roll today! E we are coming over to pack his stuff up he gotta go.

Tina: yes or we can have a waiting to exhale moment you can be Bernadine and Burn it all.

I swear I love y'all! Y'all always know how to cheer me up thank you both so much.

Goo: that's what we are here for but grab some wine cause it's gonna be a night we will see you soon I love you.

Tina : I Love you sister Goo come pick me up please

Goo: ok

I love you both too see y'all soon and imma get the good wine his expensive bottles at that.

We hung up and I start to head to the wine cellar to grab some bottles and put them on ice.

As I'm walking into my bedroom I scan the room again and I get this heavy feeling in my body , so I sit on the bed and next thing you know I'm ballin my eyes out. How could he do this to me what is wrong with me that I deserved this.

After a good 20-30 minutes  of  crying I had a headache was curled up on the bed and realized I was disgusted by laying here on a bed he was with another woman in, our marital bed it's no longer sacred.

I quickly jumped up and ripped everything off the bed and replaced the bed with new linen and simply just threw the old ones in the trash.

I grab my hygiene stuff and went to shower as soon as I was done I dried off and got dress in sweat pants and a shirt and slapped my hair in a bun.

The Sister Arrival

Tina: Goo can you grab the food from the back while I carry our bags in?

Goo: Yeah no problem.


Soon as I was about to knock I remembered I have a key. I pulled my keys out and open the door.

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