Love won't leave me out pt 2

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Kierra POV


Church was amazing today! I got to see My Daddy and My Mommy so I was happy Daddy tried to pretend he was upset with me for not calling him when I was away.

After service we went out to brunch and of course I had me a bottomless mimosa.

I'm not gonna lie I miss Erica. I know it's only been a day but I feel like something isn't right. She didn't respond to my text yesterday either.

I know we supposed to be just friends beings though she working on her marriage with her husband ugh he fuckin sucks.

I just feel like it's my due diligence as her friend  to tell her that her spouse been cheating on her not only recently but during their marriage with all these kids.

"I know JDrew told me to mind my business, but that's hard because I believe Erica deserves better and better is me!" I think to myself. 

"I miss her lips, her hands, her laughter and so much more I don't look at Erica as a Fantasy I look at her as a dream come true more like a breath of fresh air." I continue to think to myself glad nobody can hear my thoughts I silently giggled.

I'm now sitting in sham Living room after we went everywhere but to our houses until now. I love coming over here just to love on her dog too.

We started talking about my week that's coming such as my schedule and the stellar awards nomination.

Sham: So you are at the hospital Monday, Tuesday and Thursday right?


Sham: You have Studio time with Drew over at Karew Wednesday at 3:30pm, Friday and Saturday at 12pm and Sunday I'm going away with First Lady to Chicago so you are free.

Sham: Oh and you need to go to your P.O. Box and get your mail.

Ok that's no problem I can do that tomorrow before I go to work.

Sham: So have you talked to Erica since you been home?

No! But I plan to once I have a minute to sit down for myself and take a breather.

Sham: Sara when you told me about you and Erica I heard you smiling through the phone like I'm loving this for you, but I need you to protect you remember she's married.

"I know sham we just friends because of her situation ,but til then I'll be around cause I know he gonna do something else and eventually he will know she deserves better." I say being real cocky.

We talked about everything i missed over the last few days with me being away at the conference then i realized it was late.

"It's getting late and we been out all day I just want to cuddle up in bed and watch movies." I got up stretching so i could get ready to head out.

"That don't sound like a bad idea maybe me and hubby will do the same" she said trying to high five.

Ol fat self!!! Always wanna copy cat!

"Oh hush ya fat self!!! always tryna kill my shine" she says back then we started laughing.

Alright I'm out call ya! love ya! goodnight!

"Alright love ya too! goodnight be safe!" Shamika says as I'm walking down the steps to my car.

Kierra's Residence

Finally made it in the house my darn feet hurt it's like 11:30 and I finally stood in my foyer and checked my phone for missed calls and texts and I seen I had one from Erica she sent earlier.

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