Atkins-Sheard Wedding

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Janet's POV

I am in the Uber freaking the fuck out because I can't find my bestfriend where could she have possibly went at 4am staggering

My first thought was to check her house so I am going to do that hopefully she is there cause I can't bare to see my baby crying over my dead body once Kierra is done with me lmao

After 20 minutes I finally made it to the house but there was only Erica's car here which means everyone else could be gone let me call Toni and see where she is

I opened my phone and dialed her number now patiently waiting for her to answer.

After a couple of rings she picked up.

"Baby Kierra gonna kill me we lost Erica" I blurted out quickly

"Janet you have to be fucking kidding me right now how the hell did you guys possibly lose a grown ass woman?" Toni asked with frustration in her tone

"We partied a little too hard Tina and I woke up and there were strangers in the hotel room passed out on the floor and Tina was on the couch and I was on the bed we all still had our clothes on before you snap"

I continued to explain to Toni what occurred as I walked up to Kierra's house I got the spare key and let myself in.

This house is huge it's gonna take me forever to check all these rooms ugh!

Welp guess I will start from the bottom and make my way up.

I hung up with Toni she said that they were at breakfast and they just arrived so that should give me a good hour and some change to search this damn property thoroughly.

I checked the basement which is her lady cave and she wasn't down there so I came back upstairs then I checked the back yard to see Kierra's she-shed and no sign of her in there but I must say it was cuteeee I love it I need to get one for Toni. Ki got some fancy shit in there.

I then made my way back to the house and went upstairs starting with the first room near the steps and checked each one until I got to their room

I walked in the room and the bed was made, so I kindly checked the bathroom, the closets and still no Erica where the hell can she be?

I run back downstairs and ordered me another Uber to the hotel so I can talk to Tina to come up with another plan I can't think of where she would go because I'm not from here.

My Uber driver pulled up and I headed back to the hotel I hope Erica took her ass back we shall see when I get there.

Erica's POV

I awake from my slumber I stretched some before opening my eyes

I looked around realizing this is not my hotel room nor is it my house who house am I at?

I looked down and seen that I was fully dressed thank god I got out the bed and walked out the room I smelled food and heard a child talking I walked down the steps and Seen Saniyah "thank you god I'm not in a strangers house!"

"Hi aunt EE!" Skylar said then everyone looked yup

"Girl you stink" Jdrew said with a laugh

"Boy shut up how the hell did I get here?" I asked scratching my head

"Well I was picking Saniyah up from your house when I received a text from Ashton saying that you kept yelling and hitting him and he does not want to grab you and you flip out he also  didn't want to call Kierra so he texted me as I was making my way home there I seen you walking a couple blocks from the hotel staggering so we pulled over and put you in the car and brought you home with us" jdrew said.

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