Love won't Leave me out Pt 1

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Kierra POV

"Hey gorgeous I'm leaving for my flight I just want to say I will miss you very much and I hope that we will keep in contact I decided to leave a little early but you better know like I know you better not act brand new!"

I hit send and went on about my day feeling good!

I'm now bout to get on my flight back to Detroit
I will miss Erica so much but she has to contact me if she knows what's good for her!

This couple days was filled with a lot of fun and education especially with me teaching I enjoyed the time here on top of that I meant my soul mate her man is a clown i was by far disgusted by him she deserves better and better is me! And that's on Mary and the lambs!

While listening to my new music I received a email while on this little trip and I'm supposed to be performing at a concert headlining my Mommy and aunties I love being able to sing with them.

After a couple hours I arrive to the airport and I see my brother waiting for me outside.  I didn't expect that!  we hugged when I got closer to him and he put my bags in the car.

" Let's go eat" Drew said.

While we are driving to get breakfast he asked me about my work trip and since I trust him with my life I told him everything about me and Erica linking up.

"Ki her husband is Devale Ellis right?" He asks.

Yes! why do you know him?

"Yeah I know him remember the guy I was telling you about who tried to get with Crystal? Drew asked.

"Well Crystal told me Erica almost Blasted them to the future but Erica let her go because Crystal didn't know he was married he lied to her." Drew said.

"And peep this she's pregnant and the baby is his" drew said.

Wowwwww he out of pocket with this one he deserves his ass kicked I said with an attitude.

We get to the restaurant and we continued the conversation "and I heard he got 4 other kids too! Drew said looking around.

What the fuck!? I wonder if Erica knows I think to myself. 

I texted Erica that I will call her later and that I made it back safely.

"Ki don't put yourself in that mess I'm all for you and Erica but Devale that nigga ain't who he says he is." Drew says shaking his head.

I felt sick to my stomach knowing that he dogged Erica like this.

"Well let's change the subject do you know you got nominated for a stellar?!!! " Drew said excitedly.

Wait what? I haven't checked my emails all the way omg Doot! this is huge! I squealed in excitement lowly clapping my hands.

Wow! Thank you god! God is truly opening these doors praise god! I love this for us brother!

Moments later we continued to talk "one day soon I need you to bring my Pooh Pooh's to come see me so I can spend time with them." I said as I bit my bacon.

"Yes they would love that cause they definitely was tryna stalk you these past few days" Drew said.

Awww my babies I can't wait to see them!

I need to make sure I go see Daddy cause I definitely forgot to call him when I got to Miami and Mommy even told me too and it still slipped my mind.

"Yeah Daddy said that too ouuuu Ki you gonna be in trouble" Drew said jokingly!

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