Oh Baby!

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Erica's POV

It's officially the day of the baby shower and I'm so excited cause baby is almost 9 months and our princess will be here soon.

After the conversation a couple of months ago with Hondo he really has stepped his game up he's attended appointments with us and even when I can't but for some odd reason something doesn't seem right I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

Right now I am at work finishing up then off to the studio to record a song. I'm flying to LA in a couple days to link with Warren and see what he has set up for this "I love you" release tour. I haven't told Ki cause I don't need her stressed about nothing before the baby comes and she's not allowed to fly anywhere until she drops.

Ms.Karen,Tina,Goo and my mom are helping decorate the hall for the baby shower once I'm done my shift I have to go pick up the cake and Kierras push gift but before I do that Imma go home and go see my babies cause I haven't loved on them in three days.

Ki is mad at me right now because she believes I'm cheating on her which I am not now I went wrong by responding to the young lady which I didn't see as flirtatious at the time but when I reread it I can see how it seemed that way.

So one day the young lady decided to call while I was sleeping and baby was awake so she answered and next thing you know I hear Ki arguing with the girl I immediately jumped up and she threw the phone at me while crying and locked herself in the guest room.

To hear her cry broke my heart I knew I should not have entertained the woman but instead I did and now my heart is pissed and I don't blame her. I've tried calling to talk but the most she says "I'm okay and so is the baby! Or I took my prenatal vitamins and I have eaten".

I just want her to talk to me and forgive me but I'm not gonna cause stress to her or our baby. I'm just happy I get to be around her at the baby shower. She didn't tell anyone what's going on cause Drew hasn't been acting funny towards me nor has her other family members.

I just need things to go back to normal. "Good Morning Erica" I looked up from the chart and seen who it was. The reason I'm in the dog house. Good morning Carter how can I help you? "Well I just wanted to say hello and apologize for the drama I caused between you and your girlfriend. I was wrong for sending those pics and messages and even calling you in general. I know you don't like me in that way but i like you and instead of me respecting your boundaries I pushed them and I'm sorry for that. If it's any consolidation I called and told the truth. again I'm sorry and I wish you both well." She then walked off before I could respond what the hell she mean she called and told the truth oh god what did she do!

Kierra's POV

I'm tired as mess and vagina hurts my baby been kickin my behind these last three days I'm guessing she knows her mama is not around so now she trying to tussle.

My hormones are all over the place I spend my days crying and eating the most odd things. I'm almost at the finish line of my pregnancy and I can't wait til she's here cause the acid reflux and the back pain ain't no joke! I really can't believe I'm about to be someone's mom this is so surreal. I went from wearing shoes with laces to slides and slippers all in the matter of 8 months.

I need to be getting ready for the baby shower it will be the first time I seen Erica in a few days. I can't believe that she allowed another woman to disrespect me and our relationship and thought that everything would be cool. I think not Erica better be lucky I'm pregnant or she would have to throw me a fade I already had a Nigga play with me I'll be damned if I let a female do it too!

I ate, I cleaned up and showered now I have to get my make up and hair done then get dressed and wait for Sham so she can take me to the baby shower. Erica better tread lightly today cause she not off the hook just yet.

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