I'm Stuck On You!

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Devale POV

It's been raining in Atlanta and power outages been happening so I took the private jet to Miami to surprise Erica.

I been calling her all day but she hasn't been answering ,so at this point Imma just pop up on her and surprise her with some gifts and flowers I'm hoping we will be able to talk.

Before I go to the private airport I went shopping and bought my baby a few things especially a promise ring I have to do right by her.

I hope she lets me in and not spazz cause I know she hates pop ups.

I stopped in Sacks, Nordstrom, Balenciaga and Zales. Once I was finished shopping for her I went to shop for me since it's hot in Miami gotta match my baby fly.

I can't wait to see her it's been a few days we haven't ever been apart and not spoken much.

Ka'desh and I loaded the stuff up and the pilot was ready so we are locked and loaded and time to get up in the air.

A couple of hours in the air we finally landed in Miami thank god bro there was no turbulence that shit be havin me buggin.

Erica's assistant said she was staying at the Hilton so that's where we will head. Ka'desh and I went to pick up the rental and we made our way to the hotel.

Receptionist: Good evening welcome to the Hilton do you have a reservation?

Hi no I don't but my wife is here for the medical conference that's being held  so I came to surprise her.

Receptionist: Awww that's sweet what's your wife's first and last name?

Erica Atkins-Ellis

Watching her check the computer she finally looks back at me.

Mrs.Atkins is on the 29th floor Suite 2988 please be aware there is security on the floor due to another celebrity doctor occupying the floor as well.

Here is a badge to access the elevator to the suits I hope your wife enjoys her surprise and thank you for choosing The Hilton have a good day.

I waited for my homie to get the key to his room before we headed up.

Once we got off the elevator I seen what the receptionist meant by it being security on the floor.

I walk to the end of the hall where Erica suite was and knocked on the door.

She opens the door with a big smile

and says Finally!

Hey Baby! I'm here!

Devale! What!? what are you doing here? She says

I came to surprise you baby, you didn't check your voicemail?

"I did but you didn't say you were coming!"

It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. But are you gonna let me in?

"Yes come in" she says.

I hand her the flowers and placed her gifts on the counter.

"These are beautiful thank you Devale".

Anything for you baby. Can I get a hug?

"You think you deserve one" she says?

You're right touché.

So how are you beautiful?

"I'm alright can't complain how about you?"

I'm better now that I'm in your presence.

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