What A Surprise!

374 22 4

Hondo POV

I get up to go to the bathroom but I feel strange. I don't know what it is but I just can't shake the feeling.

I flushed and washed my hands and went back to bed.

Phone rings

Mom: Hondo I been calling you for hours please come to the hospital hurry!

Mom what's happening? Where's Skylar? Is she okay? Is Dad okay?

Please just come to University hospital she yells while crying

Ok ok! I'm on my way

I tap Nichelle baby wake up hurry and get dressed

Nichelle: Babe what's wrong?

Just get up and come on or I'm leaving you here we have to get to the hospital

She jumps up what why? What's wrong? Is something wrong with Skylar?

Baby please just hurry up damn!

We rush out the house to the car and make our way to the hospital definitely was speeding but  I literally knew something wasn't right I felt it.

We arrived to University Hospital and rushed in the emergency room.

Hi My name is Shamar Moore and My mother just called as soon as I was about to finish my mother came in sight speaking.

Hondo baby we are over here my mom says. We walk over to my mom and she tells me that my dad was in an accident and he came in unresponsive and that they doing everything in their power.

Do they know he has a pace maker?

Yes they know. Hondo I have faith he will be okay he has to be.....he just has to be! She says while crying.

Family of Shamar Moore Sr?

That's us I say

My name is Dr.Lloyd Carter and I am here to give you information on your loved one.

Mom: How is he?

Dr.Carter: He's alive but he has a lengthy recovery process. Due to the accident we discovered that his heart stopped while he was driving which is how he crashed the pacemaker shocked his heart and it started again but he remained unconscious.

When Mr.Moore go here we performed a heart surgery I see that tomorrow was his day to get a heart so luckily we have the heart and we removed the old one and put in his new heart.

Now I do want to let you know he had swelling in his brain from the accident so we put him into an induced coma so that the swelling can go down and his body can rest. But I will allow the Neurosurgeon to explain to you about his brain.

Can we see him I say?

Yes you may I am ready when you are I paged the Neurosurgeon to meet me there and she will give you better information.

Mom:Thank you so much Dr.Carter

Dr.Carter: Your welcome Ma'am

We make our way to the elevator to go to my dads room and we get there and I took a deep breath following behind my mother and family, but when we enter the room I'm completely in shock it's KIERRA!

Dr.Carter: This is Dr.Sheard she will be giving you the update on Mr.Moore's brain.

Hello I'm Dr.Kierra Sheard she says as she shakes all of our hands yes including mine.

I just can't stop staring at her and she's remaining so professional she must not know good.

Mom: Hi Dr.Sheard I'm Debbie and this is My Son Shamar, My daughter in law Nichelle and this sleeping lady bug is Skylar my granddaughter.

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