Let the games begin Pt.1

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Tina's POV

It's been a couple days since the situation with Erica and I decided to call a family meeting with my mom and sister we need to make a decision and fast.

I walked in the living room where my mom and sister were seated and sat down on the couch across from them.

"I asked you both here because I'm sure you both are aware of what's happening with Erica and Kierra involving Kiki's baby father Shamar."

"Mmmmhmm coward" mom said while rolling her eyes.

"Yes that he is I can't wait til J Drew or the police find him and truthfully I hope her brother finds him first and show no mercy." Goo says as she placed her wine glass down on the table.

I totally agree, but I was thinking about moving to Detroit and I was also wondering would y'all consider moving too? I'm only asking because we are literally far away from Erica and our niece and your grand daughter I know we been here all our lives but all the flying back and forth is a lot and plus I miss our family being close. So what do you both say?

"Well it took you long enough Mama and I were talking about it but we thought you wouldn't go because ya man is here and your job" Goo said looking at me surprised.

"Yeah baby I'm all for it I get more snuggles with my chubbs and see my daughter and soon to be daughter inlaw annnnd be back reunited with my girls I'm excited."

"Well we need to start looking soon and mama you can stay with me or Goo that's up to you"

"I already was gonna do that I'm old now" she says and we all laughed.

We continued to talk about us moving and which realtor we would use but in the meantime I am excited that we would all be back around one another.

Erica's POV

It's been days and Ki has not been out the house but only showered and did her hygiene and fed the baby but she wasn't bonding with beans. I know that this whole situation with Hondo screwed her up but I have not seen her like this before and I'm definitely doing what JDrew told me to do but this time it's getting hard. She won't eat, she disappears when I'm sleep and sits in another room staring out the window, so I did what I knew it was time to do I called the wardens (Her parents) Mama Karen and Bishop should be here shortly.

"Come on princess let's go check on mommy while we wait til Nana and PopPop get here" I say carrying Kaziah to search for Kierra.

"Baby?" I yelled but nothing

"Babe?" I yelled again but now I'm worried

Kierra where are you? I checked the room she not there, I checked the bathroom and the closet she's not there, I checked the guess rooms and she's not there.

No!no! no! this can't be happening as I was rushing down the stairs the door bell rang.

I rushed to go answer it and it was her parents "ummmm Bishop mama Karen we have a problem I can't find Kierra" I began to panic and Mama Karen instantly knew something was wrong cause she moved through the house swiftly looking for Ki.

Karen's POV

Erica do you have any hiding places that no one but you two know about like a panic room?

"Yes I do it's in the other wing first room" she says when she realizes that she gave Bishop the baby and took me to the room.

We finally make it to the room and Erica pulls at the book and the door opens and we find Ki laying in a ball sleep with dried tears on her face.

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