Mom, Dad I got something to tell you!

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Erica's Pov

We finally arrive to the hospital and the rush Kierra in luckily this is her work place so they are all hands on deck

Dr. Blake: Hi your Dr.Atkins from LA am I correct?

Yes sir you are i responded in a frightened state.

Dr.Blake: Could you tell me what happened?

Yes we were sleeping and she got up to use the bathroom and next thing i heard a thump, i got up and she was passed out on the floor.

I checked her pulse which was steady she's also pregnant I checked to make sure no blood visible and there was none.

Dr Blake: Do you know how far along she is?

I'm not too sure i know she took one a test a couple weeks  ago.

I don't have her parents number or her brother's

Dr.Blake: It's alright Dr.Atkins thank you so much since she works here we do have her emergency contact on file so we will call her contact.

Dr.Blake: You can have a seat out here in the waiting room and we will be back soon to update.

I sit down in the chair I can't help but cry because i need them to be okay. I we haven't even been together is full night I need a chapel.

Umm excuse me ma'am could you tell me where the chapel is? I ask the nurse.

"Yes ma'am it's straight down the hall, to the right and through the double doors" she says

Thank you so much

I make my way to the chapel and i begin to pray over Kierra and Baby bean

"Father god I come to you for your healing power, your strength, your mercy and peace. Father god I ask you to cover Ki and her baby I ask you to have mercy on both of their lives make them well father god. Please remove whatever stress or sickness that may be trying to battle them allow them to fight and restore their strength and health to make them feel whole again father I thank you for everything in your glorious name I pray thank god and amen"

After i finished praying I sat there for a while I just hope things to get better.

Karen's POV

Phone ringing.......

It's 2:45am I seen as I picked up my phone as it rings


Hello Mrs.Sheard this is Dr.Adrian Blake from University hospital

Yes how can I help you i say as i turn the light on and sit up.

Your daughter Kierra Sheard was rushed here Please come to the hospital.

Oh my gosh  is she okay?

Mrs.Sheard I will update you as soon as you get here.

We hang up and I turn to Drew and tap him trying to keep calm until I know my baby is alright.

Drew get up honey we have to get to the hospital.

He instantly pops up "Whats wrong honey? Who's in the hospital" he says trying not to panic.


"Oh my goodness my baby!" he gets up and darts to the closet  hurrying to get dressed as I do the same.

I ain't ever seen this man move that fast i just shake my head while typing my shoe.

"Alright Honey you ready?" he says.

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